Tuffnut's Tale

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File:Tuffnut icon.png

I've been thinking about this ever since Astrid approached me for this scheme of hers. Who could I possibly cherish enough to send a note of friendship? Meet me in Dragon's Edge, please, with your best thinking helmet on.

1 - Go to Dragon's Edge


File:! icon.png

Where could Tuffnut be?

2 - Find Tuffnut


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Thank you for coming all the way out here. Flying upside down really helps the old noggin loosen up some quality thoughts, don't you think? Anyway, the trek here really gave me time to figure out what's truly important in life.

[Item Received: 1 Tuffnut's Letter]

There's my note. You will notice that it does not have a listen recipient. There's a good reason for that; but first, I need you to do me a few favors.

Go to the east beach and show the gentle lady there my Letter of Friendship, and explain she won't get one. Yes, the Letter of Friendship is capitalized. I think it deserves that.

3 - Talk to Mala? at her beach? I guess?


File:Mala icon.png

Tuffnut said - what?

I... see. Is this some of that much-landed Berk humor? I suppose I don't 'get it' yet.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Well done, well done! Next - the other beach behind it. You should find another who was good - but not good enough to make the cut.

Thank you!

4 -Find someone at the other beach


File:Ruffnut icon.png

What?? That jerk. Not only did he not put me on his list, he didn't even let me make my own list! I'm going to go and not send him a note, too.

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Good! Now, I've actually been able to bring the recipient of my note to the Dragon's Edge square. Please come back with my note.

5 - Go to Tuffnut at town square


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Ta-da! Of course it's Chicken. Who else could it be?

Give Chicken the note, please.

(And don't take a peek. It's private. Mail theft is a crime, you know.)

6 - Give the note to Chicken


File:! icon.png

Well. You've delivered mail to a chicken.

That's... something you've done now.



  • If the player selects Fishlegs and completes Fishlegs's Tale, Mala will mention the "peculiar interaction" present in this Quest.