Tuffnut’s Big Plan

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File:Tuffnut icon.png

I've had my eye on you for a while now [your Viking's name], and I think you can help me out, dude. I've got this really great idea for a fun prank! Can you go to the Great Hall and pick up my sister's bucket? It should be on the nearby hill.

1- Find the bucket beside the Great Hall at Berk


File:Tuffnut icon.png

This is going to be awesome!

Come back to me and give me the bucket. I know exactly what to do with it!

2- Give Tuffnut the bucket


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Haha, yeah! You're turning out to be a great prankster.

I need you to be a diversion for me. Can you talk to Gobber by the boat at the school? Try to keep his attention for as long as you can.

[Note: Talk to him in Berk, he's not at the School]

3- Talk to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

Hello lad/lassie! I was just minding my business, cleaning my arm attachment. What's on your mind?

You just want to know what hobbies I have? Okay! I love my smithy, but I love to kick back and fish on my off hours!

Run along this dock to the beach and get to my favorite fishing spot!

4- Find Gobber’s fishing spot at the Wilderness


File:Gobber icon.png

Isn't this a great place? You can fish for freshwater fish in the pond here, or you can get saltwater fish from the sea if you want a change of pace! I love me some variety.

You can catch a few fish while you're there. It always relaxes me!

5- Catch 2 fish


File:Gobber icon.png

You're a natural!

Has Tuffnut dragged you in a prank of his, [your Viking's name]? Ruffnut is looking for you and she doesn't look happy! Go talk to her by her house here at Berk.

6- Talk to Ruffnut by her house in Berk


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Hey [your Viking's name], over here! Have you seen Tuffnut? My dumb brother is up to something!

Tuffnut took my bucket of coins. I've been saving the coins one at a time for years. I bet my dumb brother took it to the school. Will you go talk to him? I want my stuff back!

7- Find Tuffnut by the river at school


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Aww man, she found me out really fast. I guess she knows me really well.

I got jealous that Ruffnut had her own bucket, and her own coins. I don't have my own bucket! It's not fair. I guess I overreacted.

Will you find all the coins for her? I threw them in the lake beside me. They probably washed up on the shore.

8- Grab 5 coins by the lake at school


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Nice. When Ruffnut steals something of mine in a few days, I know who to ask for help!

Take them back to my sister for me! I don't want to get kicked in the shins right now and I don't think she'd hit you.

9- Return to Ruffnut in Berk


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Thanks for getting them back to me. Wait a second, these coins ar rustier than they were before! They look so ugly! What did Tuffnut do to them, that nitwit? Ugh!
