Underwater Sections

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Underwater Sections are a new mechanism that were added in Secret of the Leviathan expansion. There are two Underwater Sections, one consisting in diving into The Ship Graveyard's Ocean and, the other between the Impossible Island's Eruptodon Temple to the Dragon Bloom Room.

This is the first time where underwater sections are implemented into the game.

Other Underwater sections were implemented in the Rise of Stormheart and Wrath of Stormheart expansion packs.

File:Sotl icon.png The Ship Graveyard Underwater Section

The first underwater section is unlocked with the mission Key Finders, where the player has to look for the "Dragon's Jaw" shipwreck, use the Diving Bell and search for the key to the Eruptodon Temple.

The Diving Bell is based on the Diving Bell from the Race to the Edge Season 6, where Hiccup uses it to free a Submaripper.

The Underwater Section is located to the right side of the Spawning Point, Johann's ship will be there with the Diving Bell. In order to go underwater, the player has to click the Bell, which will trigger an animation of the Bell diving.

File:Uwater 1 6.png
The Bell diving


When underwater, the controls are somewhat similar to a Dragon's Flight, however, more slippery and slightly tankish.

File:Uwater 1 3.png
The Player swimming underwater
  • WASD/Arrow Keys/Camera: Movement
  • Left Shift: Brake
  • Scape Bar: Accelerate

Just like a Dragon's Flight, you have to hold the Space Bar to continuously accelerate and hold the Left Shift to fully break. However, because it's slippery and, with the removal of the diagonal movement (becoming tankish), it can be hard to control the Viking in underwater.

Oxygen Mechanism

The moment the player enters, one notices a bar in the middle of the screen: The Oxygen Meter

The Oxygen Meter serves as a way to balance the time the player can stay in the water. The Meter goes down as soon as the player starts playing and goes down pretty quickly; if it reaches around 1/4 of the bar, it will blink red. The only way to regain oxygen is by going to the bell.

File:Uwater 1 5.png
The Oxygen Meter blinking

If the player ignores the meter and the meter runs out, it will rapidly drain your Health until it reaches 0HP. If it reaches 0HP, you'll be immediately teleported inside the Bell.

File:Uwater 1 4.png
The Health rapidly draining

When nearby the bell, the File:Go to bell button t.png button appears and triggers an animation of the Viking emerging inside the bell. Inside the bell, your Oxygen Meter will restore rapidly (if health was drained, the Health will recover rapidly too) however, you can leave and re-enter the bell at anytime. When ready to go back into the water, press the File:Go to the water t.png button to submerge back into the water (also triggering an animation); keep in mind that neither the Oxygen Meter nor the Health Bar restore while in the water.

The animation is always triggered everytime the said buttons are pressed.

Clicking the rope brings the player out of the underwater section.

File:Sotl icon.png Eruptodon Temple's Underwater Section

File:Uwater 2.png
The Entrace to the Underwater Section

In the middle of the The Labyrinth mission, you'll find a flooded exit and, the only way to continue is by building a breathing apparatus and enter the flooded exit. This time around, with the Krayfin pumping the air, you don't need to worry about the Oxygen.

File:Uwater 2 2.png
The first view of the Underwater Section

Strangely enough, the player can go back to this Underwater Section and, even without the Krayfin, you still don't need to worry about the oxygen.

Outside of the Underwater Section, the player can wear the Dive Helmet (whom won't show the hose); however, the cloth mask you receive in Return to Dragon Island, for unknown reasons, it goes through the helmet.


The controls are the same as walking around with the Viking, however, you can't jump while underwater and, you walk quite slow due to being underwater.


The location itself is a large, underwater cave with numerous replicas and broken statues. The player can only walk on the path, any attempts that walking to the walls will be blocked with an invisible wall. In one of the dead ends with broken statues, you'll find the key for the door.


  • It's possible (and quite easy to do) to make the hose glitch out.
File:T2 temple 31.png
The Hose glitching out

File:RoS icon.png Stormheart Underwater Section

File:Stormwater 1.png
Johann's Ship

In the quest Is Harald Our Last Hope? you are asked to dive in the sea around Stormheart island.

The Underwater Section is located to the right side of the Spawning Point, The Archaeologist's ship will be there with the Diving Bell. In order to go underwater, the player has to click the Bell, which will trigger an animation of the Bell diving.

After finishing the expansion, however, the player can just simply swim on the ocean and click File:Go to the water t.png.


The controls are the same of The Ship Graveyard Underwater Section.


As opposed to the Eruptodon Temple's Underwater Section, whom is more closed and linear path-like, Stormheart's Underwater Section is more open and detailed. It has a more vast mass of corals and has an underwater cave, located under the main isle.

Inside said cave, there's a small campfire and another exit/entrance; you'll encounter a crate with Grimora Venom whom the player has to destroy. For unknown reasons, there's an invisible wall blocking the other exit.

File:WoS icon.PNG Vanaheim Underwater Section

In the quest The Trouble With Lumie you are asked to follow the Luminous Krayfin underwater, near the coast of Vanaheim, in front of a small beach on the east coast (from the spawning point on the Sentinel's sea stacks). You need to click on the Krayfin to go underwater.


The controls are the same of The Ship Graveyard Underwater Section, but you now will gain oxygen entering some big shells. Approaching one will show the File:Go to bell button t.png button.


The first section is a sea tract with limited visibility due to rocks and algae. The second section is a cave labyrinth, make sure you have the quest arrow option on, because it's easy to lose sight of the Krayfin, especially when you're also focused in finding the shells for the oxygen.

The cave then end up on the open sea, near a rock wall, where the remains of old leviathans can be seen.

Non-Member Minigames: Location Specific Berk (BlacksmithLoki's Maze) • The School (Alchemy Adventure † • Science Experiments) • Stables (Stable Missions) • The Lookout (Job BoardThe Farm) • Training Grounds (Battle EventsBull's-Eye Lagoon † • Fireball FrenzyFlight ClubThunder Run Racing)
Other Eel Roast † • Fishing
Expansion only:
Secret of the Leviathan CogsIncredible Machine
Rise of Stormheart Dragon Tactics
Other: Underwater Sections