Unicorn of the Sea

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File:Hiccup icon.png

Hey, [your Viking's name]. Snotlout came by, looking as pale as a Flightmare! He said he saw a huge sea monster not far from shore. It might be a new type of dragon we've never seen. As part of the Berk Watch, it's our duty to investigate.

Snotlout's keeping watch at the glacier. Could you go ask him about what he saw?

1-Talk to Snotlout at Icestorm Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

Man, you should've seen it! It was a gigantic sea monster with a dozen heads and sharp horns! Hookfang and I tried to scare it off, but I think it's still out there...

Fly over the ocean with [your Dragon's name] and see if you can spot it. The monster has mottled, gray skin and multiple heads. You can't miss it!

2-Investigate the sea monster


File:Snotlout icon.png

Oh, it's not a monster? Well, it was a little foggy. Anyone could make that mistake!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Whew. I'm glad we don't have to be worried. Those are narwhals, a type of whale, also known as 'the unicorns of the sea.'

Male narwhals have an ivory tusk that grows out of their upper lip like a unicorn horn. They use it to establish a social hierarchy within their pods. All narwhals have thick layers of blubber to store energy, keep warm, and help them float.

They're certainly not dangerous to us. Mystery solved! Come back and talk to me.

3-Observe the narwhals and return to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great work! Thanks for your help. The narwhals are our new neighbors. We should look out for them and make sure our activities on this island don't hurt the narwhal population. This means making sure Snotlout and Hookfang don't scare them off!