Unraveling Dreadfall

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File:Hiccup icon.png

The first place to start is to look at which dragon could cause the earthquake. I've asked Fishlegs to check the Book od Dragons to see if anything jumps out at him. Please give him a hand at the Great Hall.

1-Go to the Great Hall


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I'm over here, [your Viking's name]!

2-Talk to Fishlegs in the Great hall


File:Fishlegs icon.png

So, a Boulder class dragon is the most likely culprit. There are a few in the Mystery class which also could do something like this, but if a duck quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, and we should look for ducks.

Well, Boulder class ducks, in this case. You know what I mean.

We know of a few dragons that form deep tunnels, such as the Whispering Death. They are known to cause earthquakes as they burrow, but there would have to be a lot of them, and we heard this is a single big dragon. Snafflefang, while also like caverns, don't go very deep.

I think the next step is to check out the collapsed area to see if there are tunnels. We need to know how deep they go, and how big the dragon would have to be. I'll keep looking for more information. Check in with Gobber before you go into the maze, though, okay?

3-Meet with Gobber outside the Maze


File:Gobber icon.png

Time to get another look into the maze, is it?

No spirits have made any sounds while you were gone, but I've got a bad feelin' all the same. See ya inside, [your Viking's name].

4-Go to the rock collpase in the maze


File:Gobber icon.png

Let's see if there's anything we missed from before...

Hey, what are those trampled bits of plants? Smells a wee bit like dragon nip,but it's the wrong color.

5-Collect the shiny pieces in the maze (4)


File:Gobber icon.png

Phlegma will know, let's get her eyes on this mystery.

6- Meet the Botanist at the Lookout


File:Phlegma icon.png

What's that you have there? Let me see...

Not only is this dragon nip, but it's from the garden of one of our most talented botany students: Clueless!

Did you know Clueless found a way to grow dragon nip larger and with a far stronger odor? It's attracted all manner of dragons from miles around: they've often tried to make his farm into a nest. Poor lad, with him being afraid of dragons and all.

I do have a few samples ye can have. I hope this helps.

[item: 3 Shiny Dragon Nip Sample]


File:Gobber icon.png

I knew the lad was struggling to get his own dragon. I didn't know that he was a star farmer!

What if he was mindin'his own business, and a dragon smelled the nip on him? That could've meant trouble. Let's head back in there and retrace his steps.

7- Return to the collapse in the maze


File:Gobber icon.png

There ya are! If we can repeat what Clueless did, we might get to see the dragon. Head down the tunnel and pop down that nip in a few places. Should be safe enough; spirits don't eat dragon nip!

8- Place the Dragon Nip by the rocks


File:Gobber icon.png

Let's step back and see if our dragon peeks out to check on that stench.

9- Move to a hiding spot


File:Gobber icon.png

Watch out, somethin's coming!



File:Gobber icon.png

What sort of dragon was that? Not a Whispering Death: the tail's all wrong.

Looks like the tunnel's open now. Time to do some explorin'. I'll be right behind ya, [your Viking's name].

10- Tap on Gobber and head down the tunnel


File:Clueless icon.png

Help! I'm stuck under these rocks! Quick, before the dragon comes back!

File:Gobber icon.png

Hurry! Dig to free the poor lad!

11- Dig to free Clueless in the maze


File:Clueless icon.png

I was afraid I'd die down here! You saved my life, thank you.

File:Gobber icon.png

How did ye get to be trapped down here, Clueless?

File:Clueless icon.png

I was helping Ruffnut set up her side of the maze. I saw this huge dragon in the ceiling in the main room, coming towards me. I ran...

I dropped my shield and my sword when the rock fell, and I ended up stuck down here. Is Ruffnut okay?


File:Gobber icon.png

She's fine. Cleless, did ye also drop your dragon nip?

File:Clueless icon.png

What? No, I don't carry it around. It attracts dragons.

File:Gobber icon.png

We found crushed dragon nip bits all over up in the passage.

File:Clueless icon.png

I don't know about that. I don't even have any right now, I gave my last in trade to Mildew for some new wool britches, but that was days ago.

None of the other stuff here is mine, I just fell on it. The dragon's been sleeping here and eating those gems like snacks. I was afraid I'd be next.


File:Gobber icon.png

Boulder dragons like nip and shiny rocks: I think somebody's tryin' to sabotage the maze, and it's somebody that ain't afraid to hurt people to do it.

Yer safe now, lad, with [your Viking's name] and me.

12- Collect the gem "snacks" (6)


File:Gobber icon.png

Good idea to pick up the gems, [your Viking's name].

We better get all these clue to Hiccup.

13- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

All of it points to Mildew, doen't it. He doesn't have any good reason to want dragon nip.

We need answers. Confront Mildew and see what he has to say for himself.

14- Confront Mildew


File:Mildew icon.png

You don't need to accuse me; I didn't do anything wrong. So what if I did take gems from a cave on Dark Deep? I found them, therefore they are rightfully mine.

That monster showing up isn't my problem. If we vikings were exterminating the beasts like we should be, this wouldn't have happened.

Dragon nip? I did put dragon nip in the tunnel, only to get the dragon away from my gems. Nobody can control them: it attacked the maze all on its own!

I'd never harm Clueless; he's one of the few young vikings who can see that dragons aren't everything. They're dangerous, I tell you. How many innocent lads like Clueless must nearly die until you see the truth?

15- Regroup with Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

It sounds like Mildew can't accept the consequences of his greedy actions and is trying to twist the situation. Still, I believe he wouldn't have intentionally hurt Clueless. Mildew is trying to protect the old ways as much as he is himself.

When we weree at war with the dragons, he had a clear place in the village. It's less clear to him now. We must have empathy and see that change can be scary. I know what it's like to not fit in.

Dealing with Mildew is my responsability, [your Viking's name], so I'll take him from here. Thanks for unraveling this mystery. Can you handle getting the wild dragon away from New Berk?

Before you do that, though, please check on Clueless to make sure he's okay.

16- Check with Clueless


File:Clueless icon.png

I'm okay, but I think that dragon might be following us. We picked up some of the gems, could that be it? Can he smell the gems I'm carrying?

File:Gobber icon.png

yer gettin' a knack for dragon behavior, Clueless! [Your Viking's name], what do you say we place a bit out here, see if we can get 'im to come out?

17- Place the tasty rocks



File:Gobber icon.png

He's a big un, isn't he!

File:Clueless icon.png


File:Gobber icon.png

He looks like some cross between a Whispering Death and somethin' even more spikey. Fishlegs might have a guess.

18- Talk with Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Wow, I have heard of a mix of a Whispering Death and a Snafflefang before, called a Humbanger, but this looks well beyond that. Maybe it's even a titan version of a hybrid! Wouldn't that be amazing?

What do you think, Hiccup?


File:Hiccup icon.png

Yes, he's a titan Humbanger all right. Getting him home should be our big priority, right now.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oops, sorry, sorry, right: wild dragon. I bet if we carry the gems and dragon nip back towards his home, he'll follow us.

Mildew said a cave on Dark Deep? I know that place well. Let's head to Dark Deep!

19- Go to Dark Deep


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Spread out! Let's see if we can find the right cave! I shoudl be pretty ovbvious, if Mildew found it.

20- Return the treasures in Dark Deep


File:Fishlegs icon.png

That looks about right. Let's see if he's with us.



File:Fishlegs icon.png

Awwww, look at the big guy! The cuddly boulder class dragons are jsut the best.

Clueless, you first discovered this dragon: do you want to try to train him?

21- Talk with Clueless


File:Clueless icon.png

I don't want to let you guys down, but...

File:Gobber icon.png

Nobody's feelin' let down, lad!

File:Clueless icon.png

I think this huge titan is too much for a beginner like me. Honestly, I never thought I'd be good enough to train any dragon. Besides, look how happy he is here.

Still, I do think I might finally be ready for.... maybe a baby Gronckle, if you're willing to help me out sometime, Fishlegs?


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I would LOVE to! You can come play with Fishmeat and see how you feel!

File:Gobber icon.png

Just be sure that you do you, Clueless,at yer own pace. There's a lot more to a viking than what dragons 'e trains! Some of us are dentists, or masterful dragon nip growers! I hear that last one's pretty rare, so we'll be looking forward to more of that great nip in the future!

File:Clueless icon.png

You got it, Gobber!