Unwelcome Visitors

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

[Your Viking's name], how nice of you to stop by! I was just speaking to your friend, that Mildew fellow. He was asking me all about the ancient stone map fragments and the possibility of finding artifacts on this island. It's good to see him so inspired by our work!

Can you invite him to the Viking ruins? I would love to show him what we've found. Go north from his house! I think I saw him going that way.

1- Find Mildew at Icestorm Island


File:! icon.png

A Berserker ship! Why is Mildew with the Berserkers? Is he working with them?

The Berserkers may try to steal the ancient tablets and take the artifacts for themselves! You must warn Hiccup immediately.

2- Talk to Hiccup at camp


File:Hiccup icon.png

What?! Mildew is working with the Berserkers? This is not good, [your Viking's name]. They'll take the artifacts for themselves and all of our hard-earned work will be wasted. Not to mention, they'll probably wreak havoc in the Ice Caves looking for it.

[Your Viking's name], Toothless and I will scope out the situation at the cove. I need you to warn the Archaeologist. He's in the Ice Caves exploring the ruins. Hurry!

3- Talk to the Archaeologist in the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

The Berserkers are here? We used to have peace between Berk and the Berserkers, but ever since Dagur took over they've been a thorn in my side! I need to hide all my research so they don't steal my artifacts... again!

File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your Viking's name? I'm going to need some help over here. Meet me where the Berserker ship was docked.

4- Find Mildew and talk to him


File:Mildew icon.png

I did not lead the Berserkers to this island, Hiccup. How could you accuse me of such a thing? I'm hurt!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Come on, Mildew. I saw that Berserker ship sailing away. I know you were speaking with them. As soon as they saw me and Toothless, they dropped everything and fled!

You know, Mildew… if you truly have nothing to do with the Berserkers, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if we took back what they stole, right? They left that chest in the water during their escape. Could you pick it up, [your Viking's name]?

5- Grab the metal chest in the water


File:Hiccup icon.png

Why don't you take the chest to the Archaeologist? It could be important.

6- Talk to the Archaeologist in the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I'm glad to see you safe, my friend! Oh, what's that?

Let's see what's inside. Open your backpack and click on the treasure chest.

7- Click on the chest in your backpack


File:Archaeologist icon.png

We'll need some time to find the last piece of the treasure tablet. Perhaps I am being paranoid, but I fear the Berserkers will return in greater numbers. We don't have much time!

Could you look through the telescope and scan the horizon for Berserker ships?

8- Look through the telescope


File:Archaeologist icon.png

What a relief! This device is quite useful to us, my friend. We'll need to keep using it to keep an eye out for the Berserkers. We need as much warning as possible before they come back!

Let's find the last piece of the tablet before we run out of time! Look at the last clue in your backpack.

9- Open your backpack and click on the tablet


File:Archaeologist icon.png

That seems familiar. Do you think there's a place in the ruins that looks like that?

Head to the ancient city. Perhaps there is a clue you can find by digging at the spot that's shown on the ancient tablet. Something must be buried there!

10- Click/Tap on the dirt mound at the statue in the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

There it is... the last piece of the puzzle!
