User:Laura Dragonite

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Greetings, fellow Dragon-Lovers! Pleased to make your acquaintance!

I am quite knowledgeable on Geography, Biology, Mythology, Astrology and Prehistory.

My favorite movie franchises are How To Train Your Dragon, Godzilla, Jurassic Park, Transformers and Alien.

Favorite book series are How To Train Your Dragon, Wings of Fire, Project Nemesis and Jurassic Park ( Not all books are listed)

Favorite video games: The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion and Skyrim, Okami, Spore, Monster Hunter: World, Century: Age of Ashes, Horizon Zero Dawn

" There are mysteries to the Universe we were never meant to solve, but who we are and why we are here are not among them. Those answers we carry inside" - Optimus Prime, Transformers: Age of Extinction

I will always try to be as active as possible, but real life stuff can get in the way, but one of the other Admins can be of great help!

I am not currently playing School of Dragons, but I will start playing when I get the chance again!