Wanted: Berk Watch!

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File:Gobber icon.png

Hiya, lad/lassie! I think something smells fishy around here, and it's not Mulch's new haul. I can't find the barrel of weapons I keep around my shop. Can you look around Berk and see if you spot it?

1- Look for Gobber’s barrel of weapons


File:Gobber icon.png

Huh. Well, that's my barrel all right. I'd recognize the smell of my socks anywhere! I just wonder where all the weapons went.

I asked Astrid to help me with the search, too. Can you see if she's had any luck with the weapons?

2- Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

No sign of those weapons. I wonder if someone took them and just dumped the barrel. It looks like this is a job for... the Berk Watch!

Come on, [your Viking's name], this is exactly what we needed to get into some action! Put on your Berk Watch medallion and let's solve this mystery. You should let Hiccup know something weird is going on.

3- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

That's odd. I spoke with Trader Johann and he said that some of his barrels went missing. He claimed that they were filled with some potentially dangerous items. We should check this out.

File:Astrid icon.png

Dangerous? Not to us! Let's go look for the barrels. I'll search around the school. You get Berk!

4- Search for the dangerous barrels in Berk


File:Astrid icon.png

Good eye!

File:Hiccup icon.png

Remeber what Johann said--these barrels could be dangerous! Have [your dragon's name] shoot the barrels. Don't get too close!

5- Shoot the barrels with your dragon


File:Hiccup icon.png

Raiders! Don't get close and come back to me, quickly!

6- Come back to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Maybe we haven't seen the last of Viggo's influence in these waters. I'll talk to Astrid about redoubling Berk Watch's efforts. Nice work, [your Viking's name]!

Note: Even if hiccup mentions Viggo, an Outcast ship is seen going out to the sea from Berk's coast.