We Helpful Few

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File:! icon.png

"Calling all kind-hearted trainers: there are troubling reports comingout of Impossible Island. Our friends in the Defenders of the Wing tell us that dragons have been curling up, sad and weary. That won't do! Meet me there if you can help." - Heather

1-Find Heather at Impossible Island


File:Heather icon.png

It's really easy to focus on our physical well-being and ignore the mental, don't you think? We need to remember that finding ways to be happy is an important part of being healthy.

First things first: let's make this island a cleaner and happier environment! Can you grab all the debris that has floated onto this beach? I'm sure the Defenders will aprreciate us giving them a hand.

2-Clear the debris that's washed up on the beach (12)


File:Heather icon.png

It's easy to get overwhelmed when overdue tasks stack up on top of each other, but it's okay! We take a deep breath and handle what we can, one thing at a time.

now, where could our sad dragon be? Can you click on me and lead me to the dragon? I think the Defenders said he was near the cenote.

3-Click on Heather and find the sad dragon

The following part can vary depending on what dragon is there.



File:Heather icon.png

Oh no! What a poor dear!

Let's see... the Monstrous Nightmare is a Stoker class dragon, which means that it feels most at home when surrounded by heat and fire. Can you try lighting those campfires around him?

4A-Light the fires

File:Heather icon.png

Oh no! What a poor dear!

The Scauldron is a Tidal Class dragon. I don't know why this little girl looks so sad, but she might feel happier when she's surrounded by comforting waves, don't you think? Tap on her and lead her to the beach!

4B-Click on the Scauldron and lead her to the beach

File:Heather icon.png

Oh no! What a poor dear!

Let me think...
Well, the Armorwing is a Mystery Class dragon, so there is a lot left to learn about our friend.

What we do know, though, is that these dragons can get sad if they run low on their metal coating. Maybe that's why this little guy is so out of it. Will you find Dagur?

4C-Talk to Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

What? A poor Armorwing baby is sad? I would give the armor off my back to make any Tiny Tooth happier without complaint! I would throw myself onto the ground so that the dear dragon can nap on something squishy!

Or I have some iron nuggets here. That's easier, I think.


File:Heather icon.png

Now quick! Don't dally a single moment. Go back to your noble dragon and give him the iron that will sustain him. We can do it!
5C-Give the iron nuggets to the Armorwing

File:Heather icon.png

That worked! Thanks, [your Viking's name]. We're making the world a better place, one dragon at a time!