What Is This Place?

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File:Valka icon.png

What an incredible subterranean cavern system we've uncovered! When we first arrived here, we quickly discovered caves that we converted to dragon stables. I don't think any of us imagined anything like this.

Cloudjumper, how do you feel? Can you click on him, [your Viking's name]?

1-Click on Cloudjumper


File:Valka icon.png

Actions, not words, eh old friend? Ha! I understand. Let's click on dear Cloudjumper and follow him wherever he wants to lead us. This place may be unfamiliar to us, but he seems at home here.

2-Click on Cloudjumper and follow him


File:Valka icon.png

What a brilliant sight!

These mushrooms have clearly evolved to thrive in this underground ecosystem!

Mushrooms are fungi, so they can live in different environments than plants. All living things need water, air, and resources to survive. Mushrooms cannot capture sunlight like plants, so they can thrive in dark and dank areas. Mushrooms have roots that extend deep into the soil. These roots absorb mineral nutrients from the ground.

Shall we take a closer look?

3-Take a closer at the pillar [sic: the missed "look"]


File:Valka icon.png

They're so beautiful. And their bioluminescent glow... what a glorious evolution for this fungi. It's clear to me that the ecosystem in this underground cavern has been thriving for years, even generations.

The wildlife and the vegetation can't survive down here without a source of water. Can you find a pool of water nearby? That will help confirm our suspicions.

4-Look at the pool of water


File:Valka icon.png

Fresh water! This makes perfect sense.

Water can be found in the ocean, rivers, lakes, and ponds in both liquid and solid form. All the water on earth cycles continually among the land, ocean, and atmosphere through precipitation, evaporation, condensation, and crystallization.

Most fresh water on the planet lies in underground caverns like what we've found here. This giant well of fresh water could very well help an entire host of organisms thrive down here.

I've gotten ahead of myself. Cloudjumper has led me someplace new. That is, it's only new to me; it's become very clear to me that Cloudjumper is familiar with this land. Will you join us here, please?

5-Find Cloudjumper
[animation of you and your dragon flying along Valka and Cloudjumper inside the cave]


File:Valka icon.png

Breathtaking. Just... We are so lucky to be friends with these majestic creatures. If I were a dragon, I'd be flexing my wings and flying with every free moment!

Ah! Astrid named her, the 'Light Fury' seems to be watching us. Let's see if she accepts our presence here. Approach her--but carefully, [your Viking's name]

6-Get closer to the Light Fury


File:Valka icon.png

Well! She doesn't want us to explore this place for now. We can bow to her wishes, of course; we'll have plenty of time to study this place since it's right below our school.

I'm going to stay and examine the area we've already uncovered a little. Will you return to the school and tell the others what we've found?

7-Return to the School


File:Astrid icon.png

I'm so happy you're back! I was getting ready to send Fishlegs after you. Come on, what did you learn?

8-Talk to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Wow. That's... wow.

I wish we had the time to properly explore the caverns, but we have more pressing problems. We're in trouble, [your Viking's name].