What a Mess!

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Astrid is hosting a painting competition


File:Astrid icon.png

Every morning, I check on the water throughs that fill from the local pond. But something's wrong! A Deadly Nadder drank from it and now she's so feverish she couldn't even smell my hand. I think the water might be tainted.

We've got to find a way to clean the water before more dragons get sick. Can you ask Hiccup if he has any solutions?

1- Ask Hiccup about water cleaning


File:Hiccup icon.png

Oh, that poor dragon! I think I have an idea. I was eating lunch with Gobber when I noticed something peculiar. Whenever Gobber stirred his yak noodle soup, the broth circled the bowl but all the kelp and noodles stayed in the middle.

He was separating materials in a liquid by churning or spinning in a process called centrifugation. I found out that bigger and denser materials get separated even faster. The effect looked so interesting that I sketched a schematic right then and there.

Item: 1 Filtration Sketch


File:Hiccup icon.png

The schematic is a little rough but I think it might be perfect for the job. Can you ask Gobber about the parts we'll need to make the invention?

2- Ask Gobber if he has any parts for the filtration device

File:The water filter.png
The Water Filter schematic

File:Gobber icon.png

Aye, Hiccup showed me the schematic during the lunch and asked me to help. (I've always known that my yak soup was going to lead to big things.) I have a nice big container for stirring, a pipe for flowing water, and a spout for pouring.

Items: 1 Pipe, 1 Water Filter, 1 Spout


File:Gobber icon.png

If I know Astrid, she's already at the School taking care of that sick dragon. Get these parts and the schematic to her as quickly as you can.

3- Give Astrid the sketch, filter, spout and pipe


File:Astrid icon.png

Thank Odin for Hiccup's curiosity, Gobber's forethought - and his appetite!

Let's bring this all together. According to the schematic, the pipe needs to be attached to the top of the container. The dirty water will flow through this inlet pipe, drop down and churn around. We need to weld the inlet pipe to the container; can you ask [your dragon's name] to shoot it?

4- Shoot the bottom of the filter to weld the inlet pipe


File:Astrid icon.png


The water is full of twigs, leaves and debris that we need to separate. When we churn the water, all the muck will gather at the center and leave the water fresh and clean on the outside!

Let's weld the container to the spout. [Your dragon's name] knows what to do; shoot the spout and weld it together!

5- Shoot the top of the container to attach the spout


File:Astrid icon.png

You're being a great help! Thanks so much!

All right! We need to work together for the next part. Can you churn the water in the container while I pour'll need to click on the valve!

6- Click on the valve to churn the water

Items: 3 Buckets of Water


File:Astrid icon.png

It worked! That poor Dadly Nadder could really use a drink of clean water. Click on the sick dragon to give her the bucket of clean filtered water, please.

7- Click sick dragon to quench its thirst


File:Astrid icon.png

She already looks so much better! I'm so relieved.

Great. The other wild dragons will need water too! Can you click on the trough by the pond and refill it with filtered water?

8- Click on the empty water trough to fill it with water


File:Astrid icon.png

Perfect. We have one last empty trough next to Hiccup. Can you click on it?

9- Click on the empty water trough to fill it with water


File:Hiccup icon.png

Astrid tells me that the wild Deadly Nadder is looking ten times better already! The filter watered is going to keep a lot of dragons healthy, all thanks to you.