Words, Scattered and Lost

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File:! icon.png

"World's clumsiest researcher needs help - again - recovering lost papers. Those interested, please inquire." - Archaeologist

1-Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

There's no easy way of saying this, so I'll just come out with it. I was working at Snotlout's Sentry Station when a particularly loud dragon startled me. All my papers just flew out into the ocean! I need help finding them all.

Before we can go back to the island, though, I have a few errands to run in new Berk! Perhaps you can complete one for me? I need you to find Astrid and talk to her. mention my name and she'll know what you need.

2-Meet with Astrid


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Hey! Skulder asked me how Stormfly always looked so happy after our training sessions, so I promised him I'd give him the secret. (And that, my friend, is a chicken egg.)

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Thank you! I'll grab that from you later. Let's go find my papers before they get waterlogged! I'll see you at Snotlout's Sentry Station.

3-Go to Snotlout's Sentry Station


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I keep returning to this place because Muddie loves playing with the animals here. Narwhal pods can often be seen here, and they're quite friendly with my gentle dragon!

I dropped the papers from this tall island, and the breeze scattered them all around. I hope they landed on the sea stacks, but I fear many of them are lost to the sea. Can you help me find ten pages from my research book?

4-Find the scattered research papers (10)


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That's it! Can you bring them back to me please?

Well! A little soggy and a little worse for wear: but it's much better than having to start all over again! I'll try to be more careful in the future, and I hope we can find more later on. Thank you, [your Viking's name]