You've Got Terror-Mail

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File:Hiccup icon.png

If we want to change everyone's minds on dragons, we need to show everyone that they aren't evil. We've been using a Terrible Terror mail system to send messages to the other islands. Eret volunteered to take point on the project. Can you ask him how it's going?

1-See if Eret has everything for his voyage at the training Grounds


File:Eret icon.png

Ahoy there, [your viking's name]. Are you here to see me off?

Thor's britches, Queen Mala needs our help! The message says that ther ship was hit by a storm at Helheim'n Gate. Well, I'm not one to leave royalty waiting. Let's go!

2-Go to Helheim's Gate


File:Eret icon.png

According to the note, the storm pushed them northeast. Open your compass and let's find Mala!

3-Head northeast to find Mala


File:Mala icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! I'm glad you got the message.

4-Speak with Mala


File:Mala icon.png

It's great to see you again, especially in these circumstances. Who's this?

File:Eret icon.png

I'm glad you asked! I am Eret, son of...

File:Mala icon.png

No time for an elaborate intro, sailor. Three of my best Defenders were thrown overboard in the crash.

Item: 1 Defenders' Tuning Fork


File:Mala icon.png

When Defenders get lost, we whistle a specific note so we can be found over the sounds of the rumbling volcano at our island. Hiccup showed me his 'Storm Ear', so we made a tuning fork that is attuned to it. Perhaps it will help you find my men.

5-Find the Defender


File:! icon.png

Use your dragon's fire on the sea stack to signal Eret's ship.

6-Tell your dragon to shoot on the rock as a signal


File:Mala icon.png

Thanks the stars we found you!
Defender of the Wing

File:Defender of the Wing icon.png

I knew you would, my queen!

File:Eret icon.png

Miss Queen Mala, or whatever I'm supposed to call you, I'm not any run-of-the-mill sailor. I'm the greatest dragon wrangler-

File:Mala icon.png

I care little about your self-proclaimed titles, sailor. I am focused on the safety of my people. [Your Viking's name], use the storm ear to find the second survivor.

7-Find the next survivor

Defender of the Wing 2

File:Defender of the Wing 2 icon.png

Your name is [your Viking's name] and you're here to rescue me? That's fantastic. You should signal my Queen with your dragon.

8-Light a signal fire on the seastack with your dragon


File:Eret icon.png

Nice one, [your Viking's name]. I've decided that the Queen can call me whatever she likes - as long as she remembers my name!

File:Mala icon.png

One last Defender is out there in the water. Let's find him.

9- Find the final survivor


File:! icon.png

Signal Eret's ship with your dragon to rescue the final survivor.

10- Signal Eret with a fire at the top of the seastack


File:Mala icon.png

My gracious thanks... the Defenders owe you a great debt.

File:Eret icon.png

Another job well done! I hate to rain on the reunion, but we've managed to lose all bearings inside this hazy maze. I believe we need to head south or southwest of here... [your Viking's name], could you use your compass and find the way out?

11- Use your compass and head south-southwest to find the exit.


File:Eret icon.png

We're out! I mean... of course we're out. I never doubted us for a second. I'll sail these Defenders back to their island and see you next time around. Our adventures seem to be getting better and better, [your Viking's name]!