Adventures in Dragon Training

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File:Astrid icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! What did you do to the Archaeologist? I spoke to him earlier today on my patrol and he sounded like he was at the end of his rope! I thought Fishlegs said you solved his problem. Well, whatever you did, it didn't take.

Go back to Mudraker island and help him out!

1- Talk to the Archaeologist at Mudraker Island


File:Archaeologist icon.png

We've stumbled on a whole new problem altogether, [your Viking's name]. The Mudraker is over his shyness. That is, he is comfortable most of the time. But now he seems to have a major problem with me.

Look! Little Muddie threw mud all over my camp. Why does he hate me so much, [your Viking's name]? Why?!

Oh, I named him Muddie. It might not be an appropriate name for a dragon, but it seems to suit him.

Will you help me clean up my camp? I need to clear the mud from my stuff.

2- Gather mud from the Archaeologist's camp (5)


File:Archaeologist icon.png

He looked so happy to throw mud on my stuff. He must really enjoy upsetting me.

The mud is just the start of the problem, [your Viking's name]. Muddie took my pickaxe and ran off with it. I don't know why he would steal my pickaxe. Doesn't he know that I need that to continue excavating the site?

I've been trying to find it but I haven't had any luck. Will you help me look for it?

3- Find the Archaeologist's pickaxe


File:! icon.png

This looks like the Archaeologist's pickaxe!

There was something out of place by the swampy area. You should pick it up.

4- Look at the object on the ground near the pickaxe


File:! icon.png

You should return to the Archaeologist and give him both of the objects you discovered.

5- Give the items to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Thank you for finding my pickaxe. And you found this... object, sitting out in the sun? How peculiar.

This is amazing, [your Viking's name]. This was excavated from the dig site beside me I'm sure of it. It fits the style and age of the other objects from this ancient village. But who could have dug it out of the site? I am the only Viking on this island.

Oh, what a fool I've been! I've been thinking of the Mudraker as I would a human. He doesn't want to ruin my stuff with mud, he is just being a silly, playful dragon! He must have watched me excavate those things out of the dig site and wanted to help me out. He doesn't hate me after all!

I need your help, [your Viking's name]! Can you help me find the Mudraker? He deserves an apology for my grumpy nature for the last few days. Perhaps we can use the sound of an axe to call him out again...

6- Use your axe on the rock to call the Mudraker

[animation of the Mudraker flying out of the swamp and approaching the Archaeologist]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Oh dear! I don't know if I'm ready for this step quite yet.

Well! I'm happy to be Muddie's friend, but I don't know if I am ready to train a dragon quite yet. Maybe I will spend more time with Muddie before we take the next step together.

Thank you for your help. I couldn't have done this without you. Please tell Astrid she doesn't need to worry for me anymore.

7- Talk to Astrid at Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

I see. It sounds like the Archaeologist didn't know how to handle the "overeager puppy" stage of dragon friendship. I have to admit, it took me a really long time to get used to Stormfly fetching sticks and playing with Toothless! She's so lovably goofy, my Stormfly.

Dragon training is not a simple task. I hope the Archaeologist is ready for more troubles in the future.