Archaeologist, Dragon Trainer

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File:Hiccup icon.png

Dragon's Edge version 2 is looking to be a lot better than the first go around. We have a lot of defenses that we didn't have when we first arrived here. The Dragon Hunters will be really surprised next time they come here! It's thanks to your hard work, [your Viking's name].

The Archaeologist mentioned that he could use the help of an expert dragon trainer to solve a peculiar dragon problem. You definitely can be called an expert dragon trainer now. He's at Mudraker Island.

Before you go, will you talk to Harald? He's made some great progress with understanding dragons, and maybe he'd want to go too.

1- Talk to Harald at Dragon's Edge

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Ah! That's a tempting offer, mate, but I'll have to pass. I've been reading the Book of Dragons. It's a fascinating tome, if I may say so.

Besides, the Archaeologist is a... strange man. He doesn't like me much, though I wouldn't be able to tell you why. I ran into him once and he accused me of trying to hurt him, for no reason!

I suppose you'll be off to meet the Archaeologist? On your way, then! I'll be safe and warm here at Dragon's Edge, curled up by the fire with the Book of Dragons.

Please don't mention me to the Archaeologist. He's such an unpredictable man, and I would hate to see him act irrationally if he knew I were here.

2- Talk to the Archaeologist at Mudraker Island

[the following dialogue presents this note on a side

Editor's note: These thrilling adventures took place in Icestorm Island!]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! You'll be helping me out with this dragon problem? How wonderful, how wonderful! After our little adventures at Icestorm Island and with the Death Song, I'm sure you'll be able to sort out this misunderstanding.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

As you know, I've been wary of dragons in the past. It's hard to forget years of dragon attacks and childhood memories of how afraid I was. But my adventures with you at my side have convinced me that I really need to get with the times and train my own dragon!

I started excavating this island for Viking relics when I noticed a little dragon friend watching me whenever I used my pickaxe. I want to train him, but he always runs away! Maybe you can help me out. Please, click on me and I'll lead you to my campsite.

3- Click on the Archaeologist and follow him to the dig site


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Oh! Be very quiet, [your Viking's name]. There's the adorable little fellow!

I think that he is a "Mudraker". The name certainly suits him. He almost never comes out of the mud. In fact, this is the most I've seen of him so far. He's usually much more secretive.

He has his back to us... do you think you could get close to him, click on him and calm him down so I can train him?

4- Approach the Mudraker [animation of the Mudraker sinking in the pond]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

How did he know you were there? He wasn't even looking at us and you were barely making any noise! That doesn't make sense to me!

File:! icon.png

You might need some additional help to figure this dragon out. Perhaps Fishlegs and his encyclopedic knowledge would be helpful here. He is back at Dragon's Edge.

5- Talk to Fishlegs at Dragon's Edge


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Hmm. The Mudraker hid when you drew close, even when it couldn't see you? That's really interesting! Let me think back on the Book of Dragons notes on that particular dragon... Ah hah! I got it!

The Mudraker has special sense receptors to react to vibrations! You see, different animals and dragons have evolved to react to unique senses to help them survive. The Mudraker can escape stealthy predators because of his ability to react to vibrations.

Over countless generations, the Mudraker developed unique adaptations to survive in his environment, just like the Snow Wraith and the Armorwing!

Your movement caused vibrations in the mud, which allowed him to sense that you were coming close.

I'd love to see this happen with my own eyes. Who knows, maybe I'll even be able to update the Book of Dragons with some new information!

I'll meet you and the Archaeologist at the dig site!

6- Return to the dig site (click on the Archaeologist)


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Fishlegs! [Your Viking's name] and I might need some additional back up on this little gathering. We can't figure this dragon out. Do you have a clue on how to get this draogn out into the clearing?

File:Fishlegs icon.png

The Mudraker can sense vibrations, right? It must have really connected with a sound you made. That's what made him come and see what you were doing. My hypothesis is that you made a sound at your dig site, and its vibrations alerted the Mudraker to come closer.

Let's test that Hypothesis. There must be a noise that your clothes make when you move, Archaeologist. [Your Viking's name], can you help shake the Archaeologist so his clothes rustle? Clik on him.

7- Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

It's working!

Certain sounds will draw the Mudraker closer? Maybe the sound of [your dragon's name]'s fireball will also work. After all, it's a very familiar sound to dragons. Can you tell your dragon to shoot the rock?

8- Shoot the rock with [your dragon's name]


File:Fishlegs icon.png

The Mudraker really didn't like that noise. I bet it reminds the Mudraker of predators that it might have faced in the past. He probably has some very nasty memories of that sound!

File:Archaeologist icon.png

When I excavate relics, I dig at the ground with my pickaxe. Maybe that sound was what drew him to me. [Your Viking's name], can you strike that rock with your axe?

9- Hit the rock with your axe [animation of the Mudraker flying out of the water]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

You did it! Um. He looks very... big, standing next to me. I hope that I can train him. Well, thank you, Fishlegs and [your Viking's name]. I'll be able to do this, with your help!


Some Players may be unable to click Harald in Step 1, try refreshing or clicking his knees or feet

Also, when trying to hit the rock with your axe, the player may not have an option to hit it, try by restarting the game.
