Stuck on You

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Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Do you know what's wrong with your friend Snotlout? He sounds a bit... nutters. He kept rambling on about "he's sick" and "poor armor". It sounds like he might have an obsession, mate.

Mental health aside, he asked me to tell you in confidence to meet him at Armorwing Island. It sounds like a bit of fun! I'll follow behind you in my ship, if you don't mind. I could do with a bit of laugh!

1- Find Snotlout at Armorwing Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

Hey [your Viking's name], Harald. What are you doing here? Well, since you are here, I can use your help. There's a big problem!

I've been keeping an eye on this Armorwing ever since he nearly destroyed a family heirloom and wrecked my relationship with my father. He was doing well, but something is wrong. I think he might be sick!

Normally, he attracts metal pieces onto his body and melts them together. He's not attracting enough metal right now, so there are holes in his armor. He has really weak skin so he's in danger!

The Armorwing can't seem to pul those silver ore pieces to himself. Do you think there's a scientific reason why these silver ores don't work?

Please help me out! We can grab some samples of different kinds of metals and take them to Heather to test in the Lab.

Can you fly around the island and collect some samples of the ores in the area, [your Viking's name]? We'll need to get a good variety. Let's grab iron ore, gold ore, and silver ore.

2- Find iron ores at Armorwing Island (3)

3- Find gold ores at Armorwing Island (3)

4- Find silver ores at Armorwing Island (3)


File:Snotlout icon.png

Good job!

Take the rocks to Heather for testing, [your Viking's name]. Harald and I will watch the Armorwing and see if we can learn anything else.

5- Give the rocks to Heather at the school


File:Heather icon.png

Wow, the Armorwing sounds like a very interesting dragon.

In nature, there are fields of force like gravity and magnetism that affect all objects. Every object is made up of massive amounts of tiny particles called atoms. Gravity affects all objects uniformly, but magnetic force depends on the properties of these atoms.

Depending on these properties, magnetic force can have stronger or weaker affects.

A magnet is an object that generates a magnetic field that is invisible to the human eye and they only attract certain types of metals. Other materials such as glass or wood aren't attracted!

Can we figure out which materials are more, or less, affected by magnetism? Let's create a hypothesis on what metals would test as magnetic. Click on me!

6- Hypothesis


File:Heather icon.png

Interesting choice!

Let's go inside The Lab.

7- Test magnetism in the lab

Armor Wings are living magnets. We need to understand magnets to understand the Armor Wing.

Magnets can generate a magnetic field that is invisible to the human eye.

Some materials are more affected by this field than others.

Items that are affected by magnetism will be pulled closer to the magnet.

Put a silver ore in the bowl and pull the rope!

Lab 1 - Place silver item on the bowl, and pull the rope on the left to check if silver is attracted to the magnet.

The silver was not affected by magnetism. Click to record your observations.

Great job! Move on to the next step.

Use the same steps to test the other two objects!

Lab 2 - Place gold item on the bowl, and pull the rope on the left to check if gold is attracted to the magnet.

Lab 3 - Place iron item on the bowl, and pull the rope on the left to check if iron is attracted to the magnet.


File:Heather icon.png

Wow! Magnets are great, huh? I want to explore more science with it, but we'll save that for next time when a dragon's life isn't on the line.

Metals such as iron, nickel, and cobalt are attracted to magnets. Many metals only have very weak attraction to magnets. These are metals such as copper, silver, aluminium and more.

You should be able to help the Armorwing with what you have learned. Go back to the island and tell Snotlout!

8- Return to Armorwing Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

Wow, this magnetism thing is crazy! It's like a super power, and my Armorwing has it. No wonder my dragons have it. So these silver rocks aren't magnetic, but the iron rocks are. We need to figure out a way to lead the Armorwing to the iron. Hmm...
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

If I may make a suggestion, about setting a trail of iron ore that the Armorwing can follow? We could lead the thing to a place with tons of iron. it would be like setting "magnetic breadcrumbs".

You know the way, [your Viking's name]. I figure you should be able to make the trail with 4 iron ores.

9- Find 4 iron ores at Armorwing Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

Perfect! Now, just drop them off one by one on your way back to the Armorwing and he should get the hint. He's like me that way--clever like a Changewing!

10- Place an iron ore on the trail (4)


File:Snotlout icon.png

Yes, it worked! The Armorwing should be armored up in no time. I did something awesome! I need to go and rub it in Hiccup's face... but I want to stay here and make sure he's getting better.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Well, the victorious vikings should return to Dragon's Edge and reap the spoils of their actions! I will meet you back there shortly, [your Viking's name]. I would like to find out more about this odd little magnetic creature. Please go back and tell your leader about what happened.

11- Talk to Hiccup at Dragon's Edge


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow, you did an amazing job with Snotlout and Harald.

This magnet thing might be something big! We should research it together.


  • Snotlout is referring to its meeting with the Armorwing that takes place in the episode Snotlout Gets the Axe of Dragons: Race to the Edge, Season 2.
