Against a Bully

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File:Valka icon.png

I wish that we had a chance to test your antidote in a less volatile situation, but time conspires against us. Astrid has spotted Grimmel headed to New Berk... with Cloudjumper under his thrall. He must not be allowed to arrive at our haven.

He must not succeed. Let's take the fight to him in the safety of the open waters, before he can reach our home.

1-Find Valka in the seas [Go to Explore the Sea ]


File:Astrid icon.png

Here they come! We'll try to buy you as much time as you need to throw the antidote onto Cloudjumper. Tell Valka the plan while we start the attack!

2-Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

I see. This could possibly work. I only wish that I could help more than simply waiting with an escape plan.

File:Snotlout icon.png

Hey, we don't have time for philosophizing and dillydallying! Come join me and Astrid in destroying these attack ships!

3-Sink the lead ship
[animation of Cloudjumper and 2 Deathgrippers advancing and enfrenting Astrid. Cloudjumper shoot Stormfly that falls down.]


File:Snotlout icon.png

Astrid! No!

Is she all right? We need to help her. I'll give you cover fire!

4-Land next to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

It's okay, it's okay; he just grazed me. I can fight. Oh, boy. We sure could use a little calming down from Valka's big friend here.

I wish we had time to try the antidote now, but I need your help to repel these dragons! Join me and we'll beat these dragons back for good.

5-Defeat the Dragon Tactics Battle Level 3: Grimmel's Rage


File:Astrid icon.png

Yes! Now you'll have a clear line of attack on Cloudjumper.

Uh-oh. Looks like we've grabbed his attention... and Stormfly's not healthy enough to take on the fight. You're going to need to throw the antidote onto him. He's locked his attention on you, though, so you'll have to fly swift and evade the fireballs. You can do it!

6-Get close while Cloudjumper shoots fireballs at you
[animation of your viking throwing the antidote, but a Deathgripper is hit instead]


File:Astrid icon.png


File:Valka icon.png

Enough! We need to get out of here before we get wounded more. Everyone, retreat to New Berk!

7-Retreat to New Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

I'm so glad you're safe!

8-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

You look like it didn't go well. I'm so sorry I couldn't be there with you.

I think the battle might have been better for us than you think. Something interesting's happened.