Where Do We Go From Here?

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File:Snotlout icon.png

It's game over, man. It's game over!

Grimmel beat us. Stormheart left us for dead. Cloudjumper, the third strongest dragon after Toothless and Hookfang, didn't make it. I never thought that we'd lose this badly.

How do we move on from this? We're going to get wrecked!
Valka! She's smart. She'll know how to act from here!

1-Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Poor Cloudjumper. To be struck low like this at the hands of a maniatic like Grimmel. We must save him. We must!

I'm sorry, but I need a moment to gather myself. Cloudjumper has been my constant companion and friend for many years. The sight of him losing his head and struggling against Grimmel's Deathgripper poison... That image will stay with me for years.

Can you talk to Hiccup and see if we can figure out a way to clear Cloudjumper's head?

2-Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Stormheart uses Grimora poison, a debilitating substance that makes dragons attack all humans. Grimmel supposedly uses Deathgripper poison, which makes its victims listen to the words of the person who administrates it.

But... Cloudjumper didn't attack you right away, and Grimmel didn't give him any orders. So, it couldn't have been either of those poisons. Right?

What if...?
No, no. I don't want to make any crazy guesses. Can you ask Heather for her advice? If you tell her the symptoms that you saw in Cloudjumper, she might be able to deduce a way to neutralize the poison.

3-Talk to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

It sounds like Cloudjumper was exhibiting some of the symptoms of Grimora poison and some of the symptoms of Deathgripper venom. Maybe he used a new concoction that mimics the effects from the two original formulae? We're going to need something new to help our dragon.

We need have to experiment to figure out a way to neutralize this new threat. The worst part is... we don't have any of it! We're going to be flying blind. We'll just have to solve it together.

4-Go to the School


File:Heather icon.png

I'm going to gather some tools from my Lab before we head out. The cave below the School might have the answers we need. Hiccup and Astrid said that when they went to the Hidden World with Stormfly, it looked remarkably like our cave. Since that's where dragons live, I bet we can find something in the environment that will help Cloudjumper.

Can you tell our Headmaster what we're about to do?

5-Talk to the Headmaster


File:Headmaster icon.png

Goodness! We haven't been able to explore much or secure the area. It could be very dangerous down there.

Still, I am confident that you and Heather will be able to watch each other's backs. I will make sure to protect the entrance to the entrance to the Hidden World from here, as unwieldy that name sounds!

(Perhaps, since it is a cave that could lead us into the Hidden World, we can call it the Hidden World Annex! Ha ha.)

6-Enter the Hidden World Annex


File:Heather icon.png

Stay close, Windshear. We'll need to move and explore together if we want to find the antidote. [Your Viking's name], come over here to talk to me when you're ready to go on.

7-Talk to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

When we try to improve on an object or tool, we need to figure out the exact parameters of the problems at hand. Only once we know that, we'll be able to make a proper solution. This might require us to define what we know about what our tool can do so that we know where to upgrade it.

We know that Grimora venom is primarily cured with large amounts of saline. Originally, just a little bit was enough to get the Grimora off the victim, but we required more once the venom was separated from the parasites and made into a concentrated form. We're looking for something that will counteract the Deathgripper venom's effects.

Well, we have to start somewhere! Why don't we start with the shiniest thing? That pillar over there seems to really catch the eye. See you there!

8-Look at the formation of crystals


File:Heather icon.png

It's so interesting to me that such a variety of life and organisms can thrive. It's almost like a whole different world, full of animals and vegetation that use different forms of energy to survive.

Life finds a way to thrive, even in the most extreme conditions. This cave doesn't reach direct sunlight, so you would think that it's hard for life to grow. Only the organisms that adapted to the severe conditions have lived and reproduced here.

I don't think we can use these crystals to help Cloudjumper. (Though, I'm certain Snotlout would want to take some to make a killing on the market.) Look; there are some mushrooms there that could be what we need. Let's take a closer look, shall we?

9-Look at the formation of mushrooms


File:Heather icon.png

Mushrooms are well adapted to thrive in a dark area with no direct sunlight. They can grow and flourish without any sunlight! They often can grow while receiving filtered light. Since they have no skin, they can't retain moisture as well as plants. They need to live in humid areas; this cave seems perfect for it!

Oh! That's the Light Fury, isn't it? I wonder what she's doing here. I heard that Toothless was spending a lot of time with her. Do you think he's somehow convinced her that we're trying to help dragons?

You've had more experience with her, so I'll let you handle the interaction. Can you get closer to her and see exactly what she wants?

10-Approach the Light Fury
[animation of the Light Fury landing near a group of mushrooms]


File:Heather icon.png

Ah... what a shame that she doesn't want to help.

Or wait! What is that, right where she was standing?

11-Look at the new mushrooms


File:Heather icon.png

Wow! I've never seen mushrooms like these outside this cave. The previous mushrooms we saw could have possibly been found in other areas, but this species is completely new. It has bioluminescence.

Well, we won't know unless we try, right? And I have a good feeling about this one, so I'd love to form a hypothesis around this specimen. Let's take some home. Can you chop the mushroom down and gather a few pieces for us?

12-Chop the mushrooms

[item: Mushroom for Antidote]


File:Heather icon.png

Great! Give them to me, please, and then we can get out of here.

13-Give the mushrooms to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

Perfect. These mushrooms are even better than I first thought. I'm going to love examining them in the Lab.

File:! icon.png

The Light Fury is still standing nearby. Could Heather be right? Could the Light Fury have intended for you to find this mushroom?

You should walk forward and try to show your appreciation. Perhaps she'd allow you to click on her head.

14-Click on the Light Fury


File:Heather icon.png

You never fail to impress me, [your Viking's name]. The Light Fury doesn't semme like she wants to blast you to pieces, so that's definitely an improvement. I'll go to the Lab and whip up something; when I'm finished, I'll meet you at New Berk. Have a safe flight!

15-Go back to New Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Welcome back!

It's tough just waiting for people to go out and accomplish things for you. I'm so used to being hands on, but without Toothless by my side I have to stay here and just... wait.

You must be tired, but there's really no time to waste. I think I saw Windshear and Heather fly into the town. I'm surprised you two didn't come together, since you were both working on the cure! Can you talk to her and see what's going on?

16-Talk to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

I have... something. It's similar to the cure we made for the Grimora venom, with a few special tweaks.

Unfortunately, we don't know if it's working until we try it out on the battlefield. I think we could find a few volunteers to go with us, and I bet a certain lady is very anxious to get her dragon friend back. Can you see if she's ready?

17-Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

I appreciate your speed on this, [your Viking's name]. Every second that Cloudjumper stays under that evil man's thrall is a moment too long. We must go at once.


The Grimora venom appeared first in the expansion Rise of Stormheart