An Old Friend

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File:Heather icon.png

We need a closer look at Auction Island now that Stormheart has taken over. It's time for us to go undercover and do a little digging. Between my disguises and your experience dealing with scoundrels, we might discover something useful. Will you join me on Auction Island?

1- Find Heather at Auction Island


File:Heather icon.png

We need to be careful, [your Viking's name]. Stormheart's men are everywhere and I'm sure they'd like nothing more than to capture a dragon rider.

This island is just like a Changewing: it might have changed its skin, but it's still the same tracherous town. Still, I doubt all the dragon hunters will be happy with the new leadership, and that's exactly who we should talk to for the latest news. I'll stay here and keep an eye and an ear out for any pirate conversations.

There's a good example! Don't you think that storekeeper over there looks resentful? I bet you could get him talking!

2- Get the Shifty Storekeeper talking

File:An old friend quiz.png
What will you say to the Dragon Trader?
Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

You know, I'm not much of a complainer but a man has limits. Of course Stormheart belongs here, but the swine she brought with her? They have no respect to the rules of this island! I can't sell anything under those conditions.

Take that smuggler over there. He says he caught a Triple Stryke that Stormheart herself used to attack Dragon's Edge. Right! I reckon he just nabbed some stray while it was sleeping, dirty cheater that he is. He nicked my best dragon cages and I never saw a single coin for it.


File:! icon.png

Could the storekeeper be talking about the same Triple Stryke that you saved from the Grimora? You should find the smuggler and discover any information that he might let slip!

3- Get information from the pirate smuggler


File:Pirate icon.png

Hey! You're rude, crass, and materialistic...

Lucky for you, I like that.

Would you be interested in joining my crew for the next shipment? It may not be the biggest vessel, which means I can hide it outside the port and no one's tempted to steal my cargo. Think about the offer, mate. You won't regret signing on board.


File:! icon.png

You should get Heather's help before the pirate smuggler realizes he's said too much.

4- Tell Heather about the pirate smuggler


File:Heather icon.png

You were amazing, [your Viking's name]! If his boat isn't in port, then that really narrows it down. There's only one safe place on this island where you can anchor a boat without getting spotted by passing ships.

I overheard a dew conversations from passing sailors who mentioned that three dragons were going to ship out any minute now. We won't let that happen.

Let's free these dragons before the boat is lost forever!

5- Rescue the baby Changewing

File:An old friend cryptex1.png
Cryptex to open the Changewing cage (the fifth column is already selected)

File:! icon.png

There's still two more dragons trapped on this boat. You should click on the Thunderpede cage and free the trapped dragon.

6- Rescue the Thunderpede


File:! icon.png

There's only one dragon cage left. Click on the Triple Stryke's cage and fre her.

7- Rescue the Triple Stryke


File:! icon.png

Maybe you could do more to stop this operation before they smuggle more dragons. The only way to end this is to chop the three weak points on the boat.

8- Chop 3 weak points on the boat


File:! icon.png

It worked! You should tell Heather what happened and ease her mind.

9- Speak with Heather


File:Heather icon.png

Thank Thor for that. This smuggling ring is over for now, and it'll be a long time before they get another boat.

I'm so happy that we were able to free that Triple Stryke. She deserves to be free. She must have ben truly happy that she chose you to care for her baby, [your Viking's name]. You've certainly proved you can bear that responsibility.

Note: for info on how to solve the cryptex go to the Ultimatum quest page.