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File:Stormheart icon.png

I have taken your Archaeologist and Fishlegs captive aboard my ship, the tempest. They are safe.

You have something that belongs to me. The heirloom is a symbol of my people. it means nothing to you and everything to me.

Meet me on the Tempest where we can have a safe exchange. Give me my heirloom and your friends will be released. Do you understand me?

1- Talk to Stormheart


File:Stormheart icon.png

When last we spoke, I warned you not to cross me. It is a shame that you did not heed it. Do not test me again, or your friends will suffer.

File:! icon.png

You might need an ally to help you through this tense time. You should find the Elder Sentinel.

2- Look for the Elder Sentinel


File:Snotlout icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! What happened, for Thor's sake?

I was watching over Stormheart's ship and looking for any sign that she would attack you again... when Stormheart suddenly arrived, racing back to the ship! Somehow I must have missed her leaving the ship the first time. Is everyone okay?

3- Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Oh no... All's not lost, thanks to you. I'm glad you found her heirloom with Lumie. Because of that, we have what she wants. That means we have the upper hand.

Wait, did you actually believe her when she said our friends would be unharmed? Come on, [your Viking's name]. This is Villain 101, from Alvin to... Stormheart, I guess?

The moment we give her the heirloom, we lose any leverage we have and Fishlegs and Skulder are kaput. No. If we want to see Fishlegs alive and happy again, we'll have to sneak on board and rescue them ourselves.

Luckily, you're talking to a sneaky Viking who saw where Stormheart was going. Follow me!

4- Follow Snotlout to Stormheart's ship


File:Snotlout icon.png

Good; we've caught up. Don't worry, [your Viking's name]. It's do or die time... and Snotlout never dies.

All right; we need to be smart about this. Those crossbows will tear us apart if we land on the deck. We'll need to fly low close to the water, and then land below deck. It's not going to be easy but we can do it. Let's go!

5- Land on the lower decks with Snotlout without being seen


File:Snotlout icon.png

Infiltration: check. Part one success!

Wait. What are all these dragons doing here? Is this how this giant ship is able to travel so fast? That's despicable. [Your Viking's name], let's free them. Click on the dragon and break those chains free!

6- Click on the dragon by the furnace


File:Snotlout icon.png

I don't understand... why would the dragon want to stay in this dump of a situation?

Ugh! There's no time to figure it out now. We need to find Skulder and Fishlegs, so let's spread out and look for them.

7- Look for the Archaeologist or Fishlegs below deck


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I knew I could rely on you, [your Viking's name]! Oh - and Snotlout is here to save us as well? I'm very impressed.

File:Snotlout icon.png

Cute. Hurry up and click on the cage door to open it, [your Viking's name]. I'm keeping an eye out but I don't know when Stormheart will find us...

8- Click on the cage door and open it (you need to complete the cryptex puzzle)

File:Ultimatum cryptex 1.png
The cryptex to open the Archaeologist's cage

File:Archaeologist icon.png

One would think I'd be used to this situation by now...

Fishlegs and I didn't see Stormheart or her men until it was much too late! They surrounded us from all sides, entangled us in nets, and imprisoned us in separate cages. Meatlug managed to barely evade the trap.

I'll help you find Fishlegs, but can we please move together? I don't think my sensibilities can handle being captured again. Click on me and I'll take point.

9- Click on the Archaeologist and follow him



File:Snotlout icon.png

If we stop here, we might never find Fishlegs. I got this! You two rescue Fishlegs as soon as you can!

File:Archaeologist icon.png

We need to spread out and look for Fishlegs! I'll check the rest of this place; can you please search the deck of the Tempest?

10- Look for Fishlegs above deck


File:Stormheart icon.png

You disappoint me.

You have no options here. You cannot act before I send Fishlegs plummeting to his doom, and I will shoot your dragon with all my might should you try to help him. Do not be a fool; give me the heirloom and I will release Fishlegs.

11- Give the heirloom to Stormheart


File:Stormheart icon.png

All of this heartache could have been avoided if you had not tried to cross me. As it is...



File:Stormheart icon.png

There! I have released him. You might want to hurry and click on his last, gasping breaths before time runs out...
File:Ultimatum cryptex 2.png
The cryptex to open Fishlegs' cage

12- Click on the bubbles and save Fishlegs! (you need to complete the cryptex puzzle)



File:Snotlout icon.png

Run! Skulder and I will find our way back, so just click on Lumie to get out of there with Fishlegs!

13- Click on Lumie


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Thank you so much for saving my life, [your Viking's name]. I saw my life flash before my eyes, and there just weren't enough dragons in it!

Gosh, I need to catch my breath and get Lumie back home. Can you tell Hiccup everything that has happened to us? We'll need to mobilize as soon as we can.

14- Talk to Hiccup back at the Edge


File:Hiccup icon.png

Oh no!

How to solve the cryptex

You need to solve the code by selecting 5 runes in the column of the cryptex. The needed runes are given in the paper scrap below, but they are not in the correct order.

When you select the correct rune for that column, the column itself vibrates, and the scribbles at the 2 edges of the cryptex will light up in light blue, just for a portion. The corresponding rune will disappear from the paper at the bottom.

As you go on selecting the correct runes, the light blue portions on the edge will extend, and once you have all the correct runes selected, it will light up completely and the game is solved.