The Scourge of Stormheart

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File:Hiccup icon.png

We're going to need a plan for a counterstrike when Stormheart inevitably attack us. Since we don't know where she might attack, we need to get our allies ready for battle. Can you talk to Dagur and make sure he's ready to join us in this defense?

1- Talk to Dagur and get Berserker support


File:Dagur icon.png

Ha-ha! Thank Hiccup for his concern, but that's a ludicrous question. A Berserker is always ready to cause maximum mayhem at the drop of a helmet! After what Stormheart did to my wife, I'm ready to double that. You can tell my brother that I'm ready for war.

Well, you should share that with Astrid too. Hiccup may be the chieftain, but Astrid would be the natural general, don't you think?

2- Ask Astrid if she's ready for the counterstrike


File:Astrid icon.png

I'm way ahead of you. I've been trying to get in Stormheart's evil head to anticipate where she might attack first.

I think we may have a chance of finding Stormheart. While he was captured, Skulder said he heard the pirates talking about Scuttleclaw Island. It's a long shot, but we might be able to catch her off guard if we catch her there without her entire army.

Will you and [your dragon's name] go with me to Scuttleclaw Island?

3- Head for Scuttleclaw Island


File:Astrid icon.png

What in Thor's name is going on?

It looks like we have company. You're on my wing, [your Viking's name]! Land on Stormheart's ship next to me and we'll take care these intruders.

4- Land on the warship next to Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

This warship was anchored not too far from the coast, and Stormheart's forces were crawling all over the island. The only one who was holding them off was this strange looking Sentinel. Do you two know eacch other?

I should've guessed you two were comrades in arms. You have the look of a pair who's come out of a fight, closer than ever. I should know... right, Stormfly? Let's show Stormheart's men what it means to mess with us. Stormfly, [your Viking's name], attack the ship!

5- Defeat Stormheart's forces on the ship! (Complete Dragon Tactics level: Scuttleclaw scrap)


File:Astrid icon.png

yeah, that's right! Run, you cowards!

We can't let Stormheart's banner fly free here. Shoot them down!

6- Destroy Stormheart's banners


File:Astrid icon.png

Great work!

I'll stick around and make sure they don't come back. This attack on Scuttleclaw Island really makes me worry. This wasn't anywhere near Stormheart's full might; she might be attacking elsewhere. Can you meet up with Snotlout at Armorwing Island and give him some backup?

7- Fly to Armorwing Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

I hope Astrid didn't expect me to fight off this army all by myself!

Get over here quick and I'll give you an update.

8- Speak with Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Stormheart has been playing us all for chumps! She didn't give two wooden coins about us. She wasa trying to keep us distracted so she could conquer all these islands. The whole gang is flying all over the archipelago and fighting off fires and pirates like it's the start of Ragnarok!

Stay cool, stay cool Snotlout. A Jorgenson is a winner, and you're the best of the bunch. Hookie and I are totally ready for this fight so let's go!

9- Help Snotlout defeat Stormheart's forces before he hurts himself (Complete Dragon Tactics level: Armorwing Assault)


File:Snotlout icon.png

You know what? I am shockingly handsome in battle. You looked pretty awesome at my side too.

Let's get rid of all these ugly banners all over this island!

10- Destroy Stormheart's banners


File:Snotlout icon.png

They look so much better when burned and crispy, don't you think?

Now that we've kicked their butts, they won't be coming around here again. You need to go to Mudraker Island and make sure Skulder is safe. We both know that skinny Viking isn't really the fighting type.

11- Go to Mudraker Island


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Get away from me, you vile man! I sincerely need some assistance over here!

12- Find out what's wrong with the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Thank all the gods you've arrived. These vicious vagrants are trying to extort Muddie and me on behalf of Stormheart!

File:Pirate icon.png

Hello-hello! Who's this then? Another pathetic excuse for a Viking, I'll bet.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

This is [your Viking's name] and you'll treat this Viking with respect. You'll never meet a braver or smartes dragon rider anywhere, you repugnant verruca!

File:Pirate icon.png

I don't know what that means, but I'll have your hands for saying it!

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Get them, [your Viking's name]. Shoot their toes and they'll run away like the abhorrent cowards they are.

13- Shoot at the 2 pirates' feet


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Muddie and I owe you our lives. Things were about to get much uglier without you here.

Oh dear. Muddie, are you okay? Please, click on Muddie and make sure she has no injuries.

14- Click on Muddie and check for injuries


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Oh! What a relief.

These pirates also put up these awful Stormheart banners around the island. Can you get rid of them, please?

15- Destroy Stormheart's banners


File:Archaeologist icon.png

That's much better!

I'm afraid the battle doesn't end here. I was traveling with Hiccup and Toothless, but they were forced to change course for Dark Deep. I'm sure your crucial skills will be most helpful to them if you join them!

16- Find out what's happening at Dark Deep


File:Hiccup icon.png

I don't know how you found us, but boy am I glad you did. Come over here and I'll bring you up to speed!

17- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Stormheart is really ramping up her response this time, huh? Now we'll have to face the consequences. Toothless and I were able to spook one of her battleships that was on the way here, but by the time we arrived, the Catastrophic Quaken had already taken a really bad hit. The Prickleboggle isn't doing well either.

But this ends right here. Now that there are two of us I think we'll make quick work of these guys. Let's go!

18- Take down Stormheart's forces with Hiccup! (Complete Dragon Tactics level: Dark Deep Destruction)


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great job, but our work here isn't done quite yet!

Item: 1 Fish


File:Hiccup icon.png

One of Stormheart's poisons is coursing through the Quaken and we don't have the time to get the antidote. I think the Prickleboggle can cure him, but he needs to recover from his exhaustion. Can you click on the Prickleboggle and give him the fish?

19- Feed the Prickleboggle to restore its strength


File:Hiccup icon.png

Whew. All's well that ends well, right?

Let's get rid of all these Stormheart banners, yeah?

20- Destroy Stormheart's banners


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great job! Toothless and I both appreciate it.

What is Stormheart's goal here? Why is she attacking all these islands? We love these dragons so we protect them, but these islands aren't exactly brimming with precious resources.

Oh no. What if Stormheart is just trying to keep us busy while she goes for the real target? I need you to warn Valka that the Tempest might be headed for Berk at some point. Fly as fast as you can!

21- Warn Valka of the imminent attack on Berk


File:Valka icon.png

Hiccup had good intuition to send you here to help the defense... His timing, of course, could be better; the fight has already found us. Stormheart's battleship is already here, [your Viking's name].

It will be up to you, me and Eret to fight Stormheart while the others make sure that the rest of Berk is safe. Join me on the battlefield at the docks and we will achieve victory!

22- Join Valka at Berk Docks



File:Eret icon.png

Hullo, you two! Nice of you to drop by!

23- Destroy the two pirate ships


File:Eret icon.png

Over here, mate! Those creepy wooden warriors have been rolling around all over the place and I can't seem to get a good shot at them. Can you do me a favor and shoot them out of commission?

24- Shoot Stormheart's 3 automatons on the shore


File:Eret icon.png

How does it feel, you tin boy?

25- Shoot Stormheart's 3 automatons on the shore


File:Eret icon.png

That's the power of a true dragon rider!

26- Shoot Stormheart's 3 automatons on the shore


File:Eret icon.png

Take that, wood-face!

Boom! These amateur buccaneers should know that it takes more than a few wind-up dolls to take down the finest dragon wrangler!

if it's not one thing, it's another... Stormheart's men are setting up dragon traps on the beach. Not if we can help it! Help me chop these dragons free, please.

27- Chop the metal traps to free the 3 dragons


File:Eret icon.png

You're free now! You have to admire the audacity of Stormheart to try to capture dragons on Berk itself. She's not scared of going for the jugular, is she?

28- Shoot the Grimora gas spewing device


File:Valka icon.png

Excellent! Their defenses are wide open. Can you land on the ship and free the poor Sentinel? Cloudjumper and I will try to distract them!

29- Rescue the Sentinel trapped on the deck of the Tempest


File:Valka icon.png


Sentinels are incredibly powerful, selfless and loyal dragons, and this one is no diferent! It looks like she wants to fight by your side. It's time for us to take the fight to Stormheart herself! I'll clear the way while you head to the bridge. Go!

30- Find the captain at the bridge of the Tempest

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Well, well, well. It's come to this... I guess it was inevitable, really. After all the good times, the kidnappings, and the scams, I feel like we've become close friends. I play a great pirate and you play a great sucker. Let's have a clean duel, shall we?

31- Defeat Harald! (Complete Dragon Tactics level: Showdown at Berk)



File:Valka icon.png

Flee from this place, you savages, and tell Stormheart what happened today!

You fought hard and you fought well, dear one. Come, talk to me so I can tend to your wounds.

32- Click on Valka so she can see that you're okay


File:Valka icon.png

You have some minor scuffs and bruises, but you'll be okay. If only Stoick could see you and [your dragon's name] now. He'd be as proud as any chief could be.

I fear that all the damage Stormheart has inflicted across the archipelago may have harmed the delicate balance between Viking and dragon... I hope we can repair it.

Eret and I will take care of the cleanup here on Berk; can you go to Dragon's Edge and update them on the situation here?

33- Go to Dragon's Edge


File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your Viking's name], you're safe!

All of us made it back relatively unharmed. There were just so many of them... and the news gets even worse from there. Let me update you from all that we've seen.

34- Click on Hiccup to find out what happened


File:Hiccup icon.png

Toothless and I had a hunch: what if Stormheart had something even more nefarious in mind. We scouted the seas until we spotted a ship with her banner. What we found was something absolutely chilling: Auction Island has been completely taken over by Stormheart!