Dagur in Distress

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I received a Terror Mail from the lovebirds. They need our help!

What? Hiccup and Astrid are fine. Eww, no, I'm talking about Dagur and Mala. They're surrounded by enemies on the high seas and we need to go to their rescue. Business as usual for Snotlout, don't you think? Click on Hookfang and we'll fly out there together!

1- Click on Hookfang to get Dagur


File:Snotlout icon.png

Uh-oh. He didn't mention that Stormheart was here... This is going to get ugly.

Well, Dagur will owe us big this time! Fishlegs and I'll draw their fire. With the crossbows aimed at me, you'll be able to get to Dagur and figure out how we can help. Ready? Go!

2- Find the Berserker ship in the middle of the Tempest


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I knew that my brother Hiccup wouldn't let old Dagur down in his moment of crisis. And is that old Snotfoot I see flitting around there like a busy little bug? Ha!

Come over here and I'll fill you in on the plan. Stormheart won't even know what's coming!

3- Talk to Dagur


File:Dagur icon.png

Imagine this: Dagur the Deranged, the deadliest Berserker in the entire world, waylaid by a simple pirate queen with a massive deadly battleship and a huge army. We haven't been idle; Mala is deep within the bowels of the Tempest right now, looking for a way to free our ship!

You'll need this. By my guess, Stormheart's soldiers will be ready to fight about now. (And who would blame them, with all the nasty stuff I've been yelling at them about their mothers? Ha ha!) Stand with me, my friend, and we'll give them what for!


4- Fight off the automatons on the Berserker ship [complete Level "Saving the Lovebirds" of Dragon Tactics]



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While you three were defeating Stormheart's forces, I jammed the mechanism open for the Tempest's 'claws'. Stormheart won't be able to close the exit! [Your Viking's name], we need you for the final task. Ask [your dragon's name] to shoot the winch above us and break the crane!

5- Shoot the winch to free the ship



File:Dagur icon.png

Arh! Good, she missed us! Forget the ship. It's just a thing and nowhere as precious as a dragon or a trainer. We need to get out of here before Stormheart can set her sight on us! Fly out and we'll regroup at Hobblegrunt Island!

6- Regroup with Dagur at Hobblegrunt Island


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Thank Odin you're safe! When you didn't arrive with the others, I was so worried. I thought that maybe Stormheart had caught up with you...

File:Mala icon.png

Hah! I scoff at the thought. I saw the bravery burning deep within [your Viking's name] in the labyrinths of Impossible Island. Nothing as simple as a weapon-clad megalomaniac could shake their resolve!

Unfortunately, I overheard a conversation on the Tempest that makes me believe this is just the beginning. Maybe we can figure it out together.

7-  Talk to Mala


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Stormheart told her lieutenant that once she finished dealing with us, she had to "secure Johann's treasure cache." Does that mean anything to you?

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Wait, wait! I've never forgotten the location of any treasure, believe me. Let me think... Johann told us a long time ago... Ah! The Ship Graveyard! Johann used to hide his most important goods in one of the wrecks at the Ship Graveyard. Stormhart is going there? That's pretty close to Berk...

Johann told us about the treasure back when we thought he was an ally, so we never looked into it. I bet he's hidden all sorts of nasty villainy stuff there. We need to get there before Stormheart and loot the place! I mean, get there and stop her!

8- Go to Ship Graveyard


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It's quiet. A little too quiet...

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Come on, Snotlout. This place is always creepy. Let's spread out and look for Johann's cache, and be careful when you step on any shipwrecks.

9- Look for Johann's Cache


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Oh, it's Skulder!

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A little too Skulder...

10- Talk to the Archaeologist


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I didn't have any chance to send word before Stormheart snatched me from Mudraker Island! She brought me to this accursed place and ransacked it to find a treasure trove.

Strangely, she ignored the jewels to find a small map filled with strange symbols. She made me translate it and left once I was of no more use to her. I don't remember the directions well, but I believe the map led to a place called... Vanaheim?

11- Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Okay, okay, you got me: Hiccup led the group to Vanaheim, but only because I was his right-hand man on the trip. Vanaheim is a place where dragons go to die. It's a creepy, creepy place filled with dangerous dragons. We can't go back there again.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Wait, Snotlout! Vanaheim isn't a creepy place; it's a sacred place where dragons can live out their lives in peace!

Who knows what sort of damage Stormheart could do if she's allowed to just traipse through the island?

Look at all the dragons she poisoned with Grimora venom. She clearly doesn't care about dragons! She could destroy it, leaving even Hookfang without a place to go at the end of his life!

We need to - well, there's a small problem... Can you come here a moment, [your Viking's name]?

12- Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I... noticed this earlier, but I need to take a pit stop at Impossible Island. Look: Lumie is here with us. I think he's following Meatlug. It's a bit before his time to go to Vanaheim...

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No, Fishlegs, you were right. There's no time. Stormheart has a head start on us and we need to book it if we want to catch up. Bring Lumie along! He's supposed to be a leviathan, right? Maybe he'll finally show us some of his power.

Messing with Hookfang? I won't stand for it. Come on, [your Viking's name]. Onwards to Vanaheim!

13- Go to Vanaheim

[you need to purchase the expansion at this point to continue]


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I never thought I'd be back here. The dragon knowledge hidden on this place...