The Guards of Vanaheim

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File:Fishlegs icon.png

Something's wrong. I'd expect the protective Sentinel dragons to have sensed three dragon riders and a Krayfin by now, but it's as silent as a staff-less Gothi. We need to take a closer look. Could you check on the perches close to us and tell us what you see?

1- Check on the Sentinel perch


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Is it just me... or do those Sentinels look hurt? Odin help us. If they can't defend the island, this whole place could be in danger...

File:Snotlout icon.png

I'm not sure if you're keeping up, Fishlegs, but Stormheart is obviously three steps ahead of us. Take a look at those broken sea stacks, [your Viking's name]. You'll see what I'm talking about.

2- Find evidence that Stormheart has attacked the island


File:Snotlout icon.png

Trust me: I'm a master of siege warfare and destruction. I'd bet you anything that the damage came from the weaponry on the Tempest.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

I don't know, I think Astrid is more of an expert in that kind of thing. There's also Dagur, Ruffnut, Tuffnut...

File:Snotlout icon.png

Whatever, Fishface. You're missing the point. Stormheart already came through here and unleashed her ship's weapons against the Sentinels as they tried to defend their island. I almost feel sorry for these guys.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Sentinels may be blind, but they're really strong fighters. They would have been a good match against Stormheart... unless she found a way to confound their senses! There are five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. These senses help everyone interact with and understand the world around them.

Each sense takes information from the outside world and sends a message to the brain so the dragon knows how to react. They all use a certain amount of brainpower. Since Sentinels are born blind, their brain can use that same power for their other senses.

Even though the Sentinel can't see, he relies on his hearing and smell to 'see' everything. I have a theory that Stormheart somehow blocked the Sentinels' sense of smell, but I'd like to put it to the test. Could you move really, really close to that Sentinel without touching him?

3- Get close to the wounded Sentinel


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh my goodness! I was afraid of this. On our last adventure here, the dragons couldn't detect us because we'd covered ourselves in their native fruit to mask our scent. This worked until Snotlout yelled like a spooked Thunderdrum; with their heightened senses, he might as well have painted himself purple and danced a jig.

This dragon didn't react to your moving close, which probably means that he can't smell.


File:Snotlout icon.png

Yo. What's that strange gunk on his face? I don't remeber these dragons having it the last time we were here. Wait, wait. I think I have my own scientific theory. I think this is how Stormheart attacked the dragons. Can you take a closer look at these other Sentinels? I'll be yout brave lookout.

4- Look for the other Sentinel dragons


File:Snotlout icon.png

Yuck! Yep, they all have it. I was right! I bet this goop is what blocked their sense of smell, letting Stormheart attack them. Give me a bit of time and I'll get all this stuff sorted out. I'm so good at this! I'm like Hiccup and Heather combined. I'm like...

File:! icon.png

Snotlout's 'colorful' descriptions don't seem very constructive... The Sentinel on the high perch somehow seems different than the others. Perhaps Snotlout would be happy talking to himself while you take a closer look at that Sentinel.

5- Fly close to the large Sentinel dragon



File:Snotlout icon.png

Not again! Haven't we been through this already? I don't want to hurt your dumb island and I'm not threatening you. Why are you trying to kill me? Hookfang, get me out of here!

File:Fishlegs icon.png

What are you doing, Snotlout? There are injured dragons here who need our help! Let's regroup and think of a plan. That Sentinel won't stray too far from his perch, so we'll be safe if we stay back and figure out what to do next. Can you come over here, [your Viking's name]?

6- Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I think I might know what that strange substance is. Heather once told me about a pepper gas that could really get into your eyes, nose, lungs and mouth. Heather says it burns like crazy and leaves a residue just like the ones we found!

Pepper gas could wound the Sentinels and disable their great sense of smell. With the dragons out of the way, Stormheart has a clear path to stomp her grimy feet all over this hallowed ground...


File:Snotlout icon.png

I'm okay too, muttonhead. Where's the appreciation for my brave leadership?

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Moving on, I think I figured out who that dragon is. I've been reading through the notes of Heather's father Oswald from his shipwreck on Vanaheim. He wrote about a Sentinel with a strange bone structure on its head. This powerful dragon seemed to lead the other sentinels in their duties.

My friends... I think we've met the Elder Sentinel.