Elder Approval?

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File:Fishlegs icon.png

We need to get past the Elder Sentinel somehow, but the last thing we want to do is hurt him any more than Stormheart already has. Think, Fishlegs, think... While I think of a plan, can you check up on Lumie? It's a long trek to Vanaheim and he had to carry Skulder all the way here.

1- Check in with the Krayfin


File:Fishlegs icon.png

How wonderful! He looks like he's fitting right in. I'm really glad to see that. I was worried that he wouldn't feel natural with humans, since he's grown up by himself at Impossible Island.

File:Snotlout icon.png

That's great, just great! Little Lumie ia all happy about fellowship and dragonhood or something crazy like that while the giant angry Elder Sentinel won't ven let us past so we can save his own sorry butt from Stormheart. Ugh!

Just... can you talk to Fishlegs and figure out a way to get past that stupid dragon?

2- Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

The Elder Sentinel has never had sight, so his other senses are much stronger. Sight is one of the five senses that help us understand the world around us. Each sense has a dedicated area of the brain. When a sense is lost from birth, the brain is able to use that space for the other senses.

Since the Sentinels can't see, their brain has to rely more on the other senses to get around!

If we fool the Elder Sentinel's hearing, Snotlout and I can buy you some time to get past him. We just have to work together. What do you think, Snotlout?


File:Snotlout icon.png

I'm not fond of any plan where you're hanging Snotlout out there like bait on a hook, but I'm not one to back down from a challenge. Let's go, Fishface! [Your Viking's name], you better find something good for us to use!



File:! icon.png

It's working; time to hurry!

3- Fly past the Elder Sentinel


File:! icon.png

Fishlegs talked about the fact that they used 'red fruit' to fool the Sentinels last time. Maybe you could do the same thing if you could find the same fruit!

4- Look for the tree with the 'red fruit'


File:! icon.png

You should click on the branch to knock some of the red fruit down from the tree.

5- Click on the branch


File:! icon.png

Since the Sentinels eat so much of the red fruit themselves, the dragon riders were able to smear the red fruit on themselves and trick the Sentinels' sense of smell. That might be the way to go here! You can chop the red fruit and smear it on yourself.

6- Smear the red fruit on yourself by the tree


File:! icon.png

What a sticky mess! It might actually work, though, so you should find all the red fruit that you can. After all, Fishlegs and the others deserve to share in the mess -- that is, share in the victory.

7- Find more red fruit (12)


File:! icon.png

What is this strange building on the hill?

8- Stop by the suspicious building


File:! icon.png

Oh! This is a house made from a scuttled Berserker boat. This must be the last resting place of Oswald, the late father of Dagur. This won't hel now; you should hurry back to Fishlegs with the red fruit.

9- Fly back to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Thank Odin you're back! I don't think we could distract the Elder Sentinel much longer. What did you find?

Hmm. I'm not really sure the red fruit might fool them again. The Sentinels are really clever; they caught up to the ruse of the red fruit when we tried it the second time. They might be on to us this time.

Wait! Do you hear something?

Oh no... The Sentinels are under attack! Quick, [your Viking's name]: we need to help them!

10- Look for the injured Sentinels



File:Snotlout icon.png

I knew it. These Grim Gnashers are annoying little dragons that attack anything they come across. The Sentinels may be jerks, but Stormheart left thm defenseless. Even they don't deserve to get attacked in that state!

Those annoying dragons won't stop attacking those Sentinels unless we give them a reason to. It's all up to Snotlout and [your Viking's name], as it should be. The Grim Gnashers won't know what hit them. Let's go!

11- Fight off the Grim Gnashers in Dragon Tactics [level: A Grim Fight]



File:Snotlout icon.png

Great fight. You just became my favourite warrior to watch my back! I'll look for you next time we rush into battle.

File:Fishlegs icon.png

Guys, guys: I think you really impressed the leader. You helped protect his flock! Will you come over here and click on the Elder Sentinel?

12- Click on the Elder Sentinel



File:Archaeologist icon.png

Wonderful! Excellent! Fantastic! This is great news. Now we cn discuss our approach for Vanaheim. Come here, my friend, and let's chart our exciting next steps!

13- Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I knew all along that you, above all else, could gain the trust of the Elder Sentinel. That gives us all the authority to venture into the island. that is, of course, we will treat the island with due respect. I'm so excited I'm shaking!