Hallowed Ground

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

How do we do this? We have no idea where Stormheart might have gone, and more importantly, there are just too many things for us to discover on this island. Fishlegs has been here before, correct? Do you think he could point us in the right direction?

1- Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

As long as you treat the island with respect, you won't do wrong. You're experts, after all!

I'm so pleased that Lumie is being so comfortable with all of us here. He was a little skittish when I introduced myself to him, but look at him now! He let Skulder ride his back all the way here and he looks so happy to be surrounded by friends. Can you fly down around him and show him that you're still there for him?

2- Fly around Lumie


File:Fishlegs icon.png

He's so absolutely cute and a breath of fresh air! There just aren't that many halthy young dragons here on Vanaheim. It can get to be a bit of a omber place (for good reason).

Oof. Sorry I didn't mention this before; you must have been so uncomfortable covered in that sticky fruit juice! Let's clear it off you. Go to the ocean!

3- Wash the gunk off yourself in the ocean


File:Fishlegs icon.png

You know, I was so worried about the Sentinels before we came to the island, but we're past that now. Having the Elder Sentinel on our side will really help us out as we look for Stormheart.

I'll stay with Lumie and keep him company with Meatlug. I want to keep a close watch on our big guy as we explore this place further. I have full faith in you, so don't worry! I think Snotlout and Skulder went on ahead; you should catch up!

4- Land on Vanaheim


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I'm speechless. This is hallowed ground, my friend, a place I've dreamt of every night since Fishlegs first gave m his journal of this mythical place.

I'd only ever dreamed of ever visiting this place ever since Fishlegs gave me his impressions of this mythical place. I'm speechless... I'm hopping excited, just like a Mudraker in a lukewarm swamp.

There's so much for us to do and see and only so many hours before sundown. Let's get to it, [your Viking's name]. Click on me and we'll explore this land together.

5- Click on the Archaeologist and follow him


File:Archaeologist icon.png

These mounds seem to be here on purpose.This must be where the dragon bones rest. Snotlout?

File:Snotlout icon.png

Yep, you're in the right place. A few steps into these little hills and you'll be transported to a spooky place with dragon bones galore. Right behind you, [your Viking's name].

6- Look inside the giant mound


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This burial site isn't quite what I expected. Fishlegs described a majestic pile of bones which was, more importantly for our current discussion, much larger than this. He's usually incredibly precise when we're talking about dragons. Are we in the right place?

Snotlout, is this the right place? What's going on?

7- Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Yeah, Fishlegs really nerded out over these mounds. This place had Monstrous Nightmare bones piled all the way to the ceiling. It's kind of weird that they'd just up and disappear... I bet a rogue Boneknapper came here, saw all the bones, and had a field day.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

That's an... 'interesting' theory, Snotlout. Let's explore other options, just in case. [Your Viking's name], can you search the other mound next to us? It should be the final resting place of Deadly Nadders.

8- Look inside the other mound


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There are only renmants left in the third mound as well.

Stormheart... couldn't have... stolen them all, right? I mean, these bones are sacred remnants to be revered and left alone, but I can't imagine she could find any functional use out of them. And no one could be so cruel to destroy these bones for no reason. Right?

They have to be somewhere around here!

9- Look for the bones


File:Snotlout icon.png

Whoa! I didn't do it.

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Snotlout, no one is blaming you.

File:Snotlout icon.png

Sorry. Reflex.

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What a mess... why would she mix there bones together? I wonder if she was searching through the piles for something specific. She might have just left the mess when she didn't find what she was looking for.

We must set these bones to rights. Can you help me put these bones back where they must go?

File:Hallowed ground.png
The chests were you need to sort the bones; from left to right: Sternum, Patella, Short, Femur, Vertebrae

10- Sort the patella bones into the basket


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Sesamoid bones like these are embedded in tendons. They are small, round bones that protect tendons from stress and wear. An example in humans is the patella, also known as the kneecap.

11- Sort the femur bones into the basket


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Long bones are just what they sound like: bones that are longer than they are wide! They support th weight of the body and help the body move. Examples in humans include the femur, tibia, phalanges, and metacarpals.

12- Sort the sternum bones into the basket.


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Flat bones provide protection to internal organs, just like a shield! These flattened bones cover organs like the heart or brain. Human examples are the skull, ribs and pelvis.

13- Sort the vertebrae into the basket


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Irregular bones like these vary in shape and size, which is why they don't fit into other categories. They usually have a complex shape and are used to protect internal organs. An example in humans is the vertebrae.

14- Sort the short bones into the basket


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Short bones are about as long as they are wide and provide stability. For example, in humans the carpal support the wrist and the tarsal support the ankle!

Voila! Now they're all in the right piles. 'All's well that ends well' is what my da always said.

We need to catch up to Stormheart and stop her from defiling this place further. Fishlegs and I will make sure these bones go back to their rightful place. Can you ask if Snotlout is ready to move on?

15- Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Yeah, those bone piles look right as rain and I'm glad you guys got it back right, blah blah blah. We have to talk about the real threat that's looming over our horizon: Stormheart.

She's here, she's ahead of us, and it should be just as apparent to you as it is to a genius like me that she's here with a purpose. If we don't stop her... who knows, maybe she'll bring about The End of the World.