Stormheart Rising

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File:Snotlout icon.png

Or maybe not. There's got to be a better way for us to get one step ahead of Stormheart. Believe me, I want to get the drop on her and pay her back. We're never going to catch up if we're just chasing her footsteps!

I asked Skulder if he remembered anything more from when Stormheart kidnapped him. Can you ask him if he has anything that we can use?

1- Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Indeed! Snotlout asked in his own... inimitable... way to jog my memory. It all happened so quickly that I don't remember much. Thankfully, we have been on several adventures now, [your Viking's name] and your with and courage seem to be rubbing off on me! I scribbled down some of the symbols I spotted on her map.

Item: 1 Skulder's Scribbles


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Let's look at it together, shall we? I hope you can make heads or tails of it. Open your Backpack and click on my doodle, please.

2- Look at Skulder's scribbles in your Backpack


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Have you ever seen these symbols before? They seem familiar to me but I can't pinpoint why.

Perhaps we should seek another opinion. Snotlout may not be of... much value... to us in this regard, but another of our party will be extremely helpful! Fishlegs and I share all of our knowledge amongst each other and there is no one I trust more. Can you find him and ask what he thinks?

3- Meet with Fishlegs over the water


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I can't get over how interesting it has been to watch this young leviathan on Vanaheim, decades earlier than the trip he'll make at the end of his life. Oops! um, sorry... shouldn't mention the E-N-D in front of Lumie. How rude of me!

All organisms in an ecosystem connect to each other. All matter moves from the environment into living organisms and back into the environments through producers, consumers, and decomposers.

Matter from the air and the environment are taken in by plants to help them grow, like the red fruit tree here on Vanaheim. Then, organisms like dragons consume the fruit and then eventually eliminate waste or die.

Bacteria break down this matter into various forms such as soil, which is used by plants to grow again. In this way, matter is used over and over again and is never destroyed. So the dragons that come to this island at the end of their life help mantain the ecosystem here.

Here I go on and on when you're on a schedule! Give me Skulder's scroll and I'll see if I recognize anything.

4- Give Skulder's scribbles to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh! Oh! I know where I've seen this before! Do you remember the labyrinth on Impossible Island? The Dragon Bloom room was covered with decorations for the Luminous Krayfin. The scrolls along the walls looked a little bit like this.

But what could Stormheart possibly know about the Luminous Krayfin? Lumie is the only one in the archipelago. She definitely won't find another; believe me, Hiccup and I searched far and wide for any trace of Lumie's kind. No luck.

Well... I guess the only thing to do is to continue onwards, right? Can you meet up with Snotlout and the Archaeologist on the mainland? I think they continued without us.

5- Meet up with Snotlout


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Stormheart better have another think coming if she thinks she can steal our Lumie!

Okay, here's what's going to happen. Hookfang and I are the most strategic in all Berk, and we have the keenest eyes too. We'll go on ahead without you guys and scout for signs of any danger. You guys come up at a slower pace behind me, okay?

Just talk to Skulder; I'm sure you guys can figure out how to get further without me!

6- Talk to the Archaeologist


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Well. I don't wish to be unkind, but I am beginning to wonder why we even brought our braggart friend. How you and Hiccup put up with his antic, I'll never know. Wait - is that -



File:Archaeologist icon.png

It is Stormheart!

Thankfully, it looks like the Elder Sentinel is looking forward to Round Two against her. Do you think he'll agree to fight by your side? You are the more skilled dragon trainer between the pair of us; do you want to try extending your hand and clicking on the Elder Sentinel?

7- Click on the Elder Sentinel and mount him


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Amazing. just amazing. You never cease to surprise me.

Stormheart must be trying to gain a better position for the coming battle. Shall we charge forward and take he fight to her? Take care to avoid any traps; I am certain she is planning something horrid.

8- Fly to the sea stacks towards the Tempest



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Horrifying. Horrifying! Will she force the Elder Sentinel to fight against his ow kin? Does she have no morals? I have several syringes of the saline treatment ready to go, but I need a distraction. There is only one thing to be done, my brave [your Viking's name]: defend this land!

9- Defeat the Dragon Tactics battle [A Family Affair level]


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Well done! We three are quite a team. The Sentinels will recover, I think, but I hate to see the anguish in the Elder Sentinel's noble visage. Stormheart cannot be shown any mercy.

10- Talk to Snotlout at the beach


File:Snotlout icon.png

Look out! Stormheart is doubling back to attack you!

Oh. Well, I'm glad you were able to limp through without me.