Dragon Hunter Gold

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File:Eret icon.png

We've got a serious problem. Have you ever heard of the Dragon Cry? They say it's a device that can mimic dragon cries to perfection. My trader friend was bringing it to me, but the dragon hunters raided the ship and made off with the cargo... and the Dragon Cry with it.

Who knows what damage the device can do in the wrong hands? We need to steal it back before they learn about its abilities. Besides, Hiccup always talks about the time Viggo stole all of Berk's gold. I reckon it's time we get it all back.

May the winds of fortune guide our sails! Climb aboard my ship and we'll head to the dragon hunters' camp.

1 - Get on Eret's ship to go to the Dragon Hunters' camp

Note: You'll teleported to Dragon Hunter camp.

2 - Sneak past the dragon hunters and retrieve 5 bags of gold


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The cages are empty. Maybe the dragon hunters haven't figured out how to use the device yet. You should grab the Dragon Cry before the hunters see you.

3 - Find the Dragon Cry without being caught


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Hurry back to Eret'd ship and avoid the draagon hunters.

4 - Hurry back to Eret's ship

Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

We have your ship surrounded, Eret, son of Eret!

Did you really think we'd be so stupid? We check on all the ships that come into this dock and we'd never forget yours. Now, boys, it looks like we've caught ourselves a dragon rider without a dragon. Hand yourself over now before we burn you and your ship to cinders.


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You have one chance to trick the dragon hunters. Open your backpack and Click [sic] on the Dragon Cry to save Eret.

5 - Open your backpack and tap on the Dragon Cry

[Cutscene: Dragon Cry plays an unknown Dragon cry (possibly the Night Fury's cry), sending all the Dragon Hunters running.]

File:Eret icon.png

That's right, lads! You've got nothing to do but hide and pray it doesn't find you! You hear me?

[Your Viking's name]! Get back on board before they realize that we pulled one over them!

Potentially missing a step - needs verification.

File:Eret icon.png

Another successful venture! Okay, maybe it wasn't exactly as we planned but it was nothing you couldn't handle.

We can't celebrate alone, my friend! Bring the 5 bags of gold to Gobber so he can share our victory with the whole village.

6 - Bring Gobber the 5 bags of gold


File:Gobber icon.png

Well burst my skivvies and turn them inside out. I thought we'd never see our gold again! Thanks lassie.

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The image of Gobber wearing his torn underwear inside-out is terrifying. You should give Gobber some space and share your treasure with Hiccup.

7 - Give Hiccup the Dragon Cry


File:Hiccup icon.png

This is incredible! There are so many dragon voices in here. We could learn so much from this if we can just unlock its secrets. fishlegs and I will try to understand this artifact, just like we did the Dragon Eye [sic]. You and Eret have done something amaizing!