In the Belly of the Beast

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Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

So! Great big beastie is in the volcano, lots of destroyed ships are on the outside, and poisonous gas is all around the ocean. It's a mess, isn't it? Hiccup, my boy, give me a lift off the island... or do you only help dragons now?

[Your Viking's name], you need to help me talk some sense into your leader. Help out poor old Harald.

1- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

We can't leave now... there's too much for us to figure out. We need to find out if that dragon is friend or foe. We also really need to figure out if there's something wrong with the volcano that is causing the hydrothermal vents to go into overdrive. We have to go back inside.

And let's not forget, we need to find out exactly why Harald wants to keep us from going into the volcano!

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Alright, alright! I'll tell you the whole truth about the situation so that you'll take me off the island. Oof. This feels really foreign! Please give me a moment.

Okay! The truth is, yes, I pinched the Dragon Hunter chest when you released the Catastrophic Quaken in their camp and caused a ruckus. And when I started this... Red Death bone venture, I deicded to put the chest somewhere safe until I got back. I didn't expect this monster to be inside the volcano and I dropped it!

I can help, my friends. If you're dead set on going back in, I know a way that might get you in without the dragon noticing you. Then you can take me off the island. Click on me and I'll show you the secret entrance.

2- Follow Harald to his secret entrance

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Here we go! Cleverly disguised, wouldn't you say? I did it myself.

After you, [your Viking's name].

3- Enter the volcano

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

I've done my part now lads and lasses. I'll wait here until you've finished.

File:Hiccup icon.png

All the same, Harald, I think we'll feel more comfortable if you were walking with us. [Your Vikiing's name], will you click on our guest here and lead us all down this tunnel?

4- Tap on Harald and lead him through the tunnel


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good... it's resting. Maybe if we're quiet, we can take a good look without disturbing it. Green scales, same ugly face as the Red Death... should we call it the Green Death?

File:Archaeologist icon.png

That dragon's nest is incredibly made, but also very troubling...

can you take a closer look at it?

5- Look over the edge of the tunnel

[animation with general view of the inside of the volcano. Skulder step forth and make some rocks to fall down. The Green Death wakes up and start looking for the intruders]


File:Hiccup icon.png

We need to get away from the dragon's nest, right now. Stay out of its line of sight or it might roast us with its breath attack!

6- Avoid the dragon's gaze and escape


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Look out!

[animation of the Green Death looking throught the fissures on the side of the tunnel]


File:Hiccup icon.png

As soon as she looks away, be ready to move!

[you are teleported outside]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Never in my life did I think I would ever be inside a volcano, running away from a dragon as enormous as a mountain! Goodness.

it's very good that we decided to go back inside, [your Viking's name], because I actually spotted what's causing all this deadly fog! We must figure out a solution right away.
