Dragon Hunter Troubles

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Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

[Your Viking's name], I'm glad I caught you. Dragons need your help! We're going to need dragon expertise to solve it, and that includes you, the premiere School of Dragons student!

I've asked the others to meet in front of the stables. Click on me and lead the way, friend!

1- Lead Harald to the stables

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

I was exploring the seas on my ship when I spotted the Dragon Hunters in action. Those cowards have set up camp at Hobblegrunt Island once more! They seem to be gathering wounded dragons on that island...

It looked like the poachers were away from the base, but they could return at any moment. If you hurry, you can rescue the draagons before they get back!


File:Hiccup icon.png

Ugh, Dragon Hunters. They won't beat me--I mean us--again! We need to go right away and save those dragons before they return.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

If time is of essence, friends, I'd only hold you back. I can't ride dragons like you fine lot. I should stay behind on this one.

File:Hiccup icon.png

That makes sense. You've helped enough by finding this place, Harald. Thanks to you, we'll be able to pull one over on the Dragon Hunters this time!
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Well, I do what little I can to help. But what am I jabbering on for? Now hurry! Go to Hubblegrunt Island!

2- Go to Hobblegrunt Island


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow, that's a lot of dragons. We have our work cut out for us. We'll need to free all these dragons before the Dragon Hunters return. If we're fast enough, we can avoid having to fight.

Can you use your axe to break those locks from the cages?

3- Use your axe on the cage door

4- Use your axe to shatter the cage doors (4)


File:Hiccup icon.png

Good job guys. Right now, these dragons are missing from their ecosystems, drastically altering the food chain where they live. This will make other animals retreat to new areas and cause other species to flourish. All of these environments and subsystems are interconnected, and changes in one system can produce unforeseen changes in others.

Hopefully these dragons will return to their ecosystems and thrive while we stop the Dragon Hunters. If these Dragon Hunters keep trapping dragons at this rate, they're going to permanently alter these ecosystems. The animals, plants and even dragons may disappear from this area.

We Vikings have the power to help or harm our world... it's up to us!

Mission accomplished. Let's regroup at Dragon's Edge and tell Harald the good news.

5- Return to Dragon's Edge


File:Snotlout icon.png

Huh. Where's Harald? I wonder if he's taking a nap somewhere. Typical! I wanted to tell him how well I did on our trip and he's not even here.

File:Astrid icon.png

I didn't see his ship docked on our island when I flew in...

I had a weird feeling about him before, but I let it slide because he was so helpful. [Your Viking's name], we need to look around the island for Harald. Can you check to see if he is down by the docks?

6- Look for Harald by the docks


File:! icon.png

Weren't all the supplies here? Where did they go?

Does Fishlegs know what's going on?

7- What's going on? Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Hey [your Viking's name]. Did you take the supplies form the stables? I wanted to give Meatlug a rubdown after a hard workout but they're not here. That's odd.

Oh, you were looking for Harald? I haven't seen him.

Maybe he went out to feed his Terrible Terror, Leopold, and just came back. Why don't you go back to the Clubhouse?

8- Look for Harald at the Clubhouse


File:Ruffnut icon.png

This is travesty! No, I haven't seen Harald here or inside the clubhouse. Actually, it looks pretty bad in there. Looks like someone took all the furniture. Hiccup should probably look into that.

File:Tuffnut icon.png

That's not the travesty! SOMEONE TOOK OUR ROCKS. We were getting together an amazing collection of boulders to throw at Dragon Hunters, and they're all missing. Who would do such a terrible thing? Is there no justice in the world?!

Someone needs to pay for this! [Your Viking's name], talk to Hiccup in forn of his hut and see what he's going to do about this.

Oh, I thought I saw Leopold there too. Maybe that would be the answer to your question.

9- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

This is bad. Oh, this is very, very bad. Harald took everything. Harald stole everything. He took the traps that we were preparing to defend against Dragon Hunters... he also picked the lock and stole the Book of Dragons. We need to get it back right away.

File:Astrid icon.png

The cheek of this guy! His Terrible Terror has a ransom note for us. He wants the telescope in return for the Book of Dragons. We need to stop this guy.


A minor glitch can occur at step 4: the cage doors won't open, making the dragon pass through them.
