Pirate on the Run

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File:Hiccup icon.png

We might have a really big problem on our hands. We can't defend ourselves properly because Harald took everything. He even took the weapons we confiscated from the Dragon Hunters on Dark Deep.

File:Astrid icon.png

Oh no. This means that the little thief has the dragon root arrows. We need to make sure that the dragons around Dragon's Edge are safe! We need to check all of the islands. Go to Armorwing Island, [your Viking's name]. I'll send Snotlout as backup right after you.

1- Go to Armorwing Island


File:Snotlout icon.png

This place is quiet--too quiet. I haven't seen any sign of the Armorwing yet.

Do you remember where you were when you saw the Armorwing when he was sick? Maybe he's retreated somewhere because he doesn't feel good. Can you see if there are any clues of the Armorwing there?

2- Look for the Armorwing where you saw him last


File:Snotlout icon.png

No luck... Wait a second. Harald was here with us, and he was really interested in the magnetism of the Armorwing. He saw the Armorwing as it went to the area with the iron ore.

I don't know... maybe we can find him if we get higher elevation. Fly up the mountain and see if you spot my dragon.

3- Look for the Armorwing at a very high elevation


File:Snotlout icon.png

This is the Armorwing's favorite sunning spot. He likes to stretch out here and bask in the sun.

The iron ore! Of course, Armorwing would be there! Quick, get over to the iron ore deposits!

4- Go to the iron ore deposit


File:Snotlout icon.png

On no... Dragon Hunter arrows. We're too late! Harald must have already captured the Armorwing.

Harald is going to face the full fury of Snotlout Jorgenson when I get my hands on him!

I'll stay here and look for clues that might tell us where he went. You should go help Fishlegs at Dark Deep. Maybe you'll get there in time to stop Harald!

5- Go to Dark Deep to talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Did you just come from Armorwing Island? Is everything okay... oh no.

I think Harald might have already taken the Catastrophic Quaken too. He's missing, and I don't think he'd leave the Prickleboggle unprotected by himself. The poor Prickleboggle... he looks so lost without his buddy.

The Quaken was able to fight off a whole group of Dragon Hinters the last time. He must have let harald get close because he was one of us when we came to help him the last time. He pretended to be a friend then stabbed him in the back... like he did with us.

I don't know how the twins are doing, but htey should be returning to Dragon's Edge by now. Can you go back and talk to Astrid about the stuff that happened here?

6- Talk to Astrid at Dragon's Edge


File:Astrid icon.png

I just got back from Scuttleclaw Island. It looks like he didn't grab any dragons there, and the twins said the Snaptrapper and Zippleback are safe... which means he just took the Armorwing and the Catastrophic Quaken. "Just." ARGH!

I knew there was something off about that guy! I should have trusted my instincts.

I wonder if he had any help with the heist. He stole a lot of things. Do you think... maybe the Archaeologist...

I want to make sure Stormfly feels fine. We flew really hard to the island and back. Can you tell Hiccup what we've learned?

7- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Harald may have stolen from us, but he didn't take everything. We've still got each other, and it's going to take all of us to catch him. Harald proved he could trick me, but we can beat him at his own game. Together.


See Epic Catastrophe for more info about the Dragon Hunter's arrows.
