Dragon Island (quest)

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File:Valka icon.png

Now that we have the tools to find Dragon Island, it's time to get moving. We'll need the help of the beautiful Singetail you rescued. Mount the dragon when you are ready to go.

1- Mount your rescued Singetail

[if you are already mounting it, unmount and mount again to trigger the next dialogue]


File:Valka icon.png

Look at the way [your dragon's name]'s tail is waving. It can't wait to fly with you!

File:Hiccup icon.png

We'll need to grab our masks, Mom. Head for Helheim's Gate, [your Viking's name]. We'll meet you there.

2- Head to Helheim's Gate


File:Hiccup icon.png

THe charcoal filters are working perfectly! Well, I never thought I'd ever say this, but... Ruffnut and Tuffnut are geniuses.

According to my map, we'll need to find a cracked sea stack northwest from here. That's the first step toward Dragon Island.

Click on your map and compass to figure out where you need to go. Oh, and don't drop it. Losing your paper can make it really hard to fly. Trust me, I know from experience.

3- Fly Northwest to find the cracked sea stack at Helheim's Gate


File:! icon.png

Use the Singetail's fire on the cracked sea stack to signal your location to the others.

4- Shoot the sea stack to signal to the others


File:Fishlegs icon.png

There you are! Meatlug and I were getting a bit lost. It's really dark and I think maybe Tuffnut pranked me? There's an odd chicken smell in my mask...

Okay! The next stopping point is the salmon pools from Bucket's map. You'll recognize the area from the different tide pools all circled together. Send a signal when you get there!

5- Fly East to the salmon pools and send a signal at Helheim's Gate


File:Hiccup icon.png

It's no wonder Singetails can signal each other from miles away... Toothless and I could see it, clear as day!

Though I wonder if anyone else is in the area, watching these signals...

Well... now I feel paranoid. Let's move on! The last stopping point on the map is the wreck of the Gjallarhorn. You'll know it when you see it-- it's the giant shipwreck that's fifty feet up in the air! Use [your dragon's name]'s fire when you find it and we'll catch up to you!

6- Fly Northwest to the wrecked ship and signal the others at Helheim's Gate


File:Valka icon.png

Do you think it's odd to fly blind into the fog, [your Viking's name]? You can always put your faith in your dragon. They will reward your trust a hundredfold.

We're very close now. Cloudjumper is uneasy and his instrincts are never wrong. I hope nothing terrible is awaiting us at Dragon Island.

use your compass and map to fly to Dragon Island, southwest of here.

7- Fly Southwest to Dragon Island

[you are teleported to Dragon Island - animation of everyone else landing]


File:Hiccup icon.png

Flying to Dragon Island that first time feels like two lifetimes ago. Back then, Vikings didn't trust dragons and the Red Death was terrorizing us all. I lost a leg here! And here, my father...
