The Search for Harald

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File:Hiccup icon.png

Remember, guys, we have two missions to accomplish here. We need to find out if the poison fog is coming from Dragon Island, and we also need to find Harald and stop him. If lots of dragons hunters believe his crazy claims, they might start killing more dragons to see if any of them have "magic bones."

That would be a disaster!
Maybe we should go to the largest landmark, the skeleton of the Red Death.

1- Look for the Red Death

[animation of Valka walking to the Red Death's skull]


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Look at the shape of her skull! This Titan Wing clearly had a powerful control over other dragons. Few dragons grow to be so powerful. If I had been here, maybe things would have been different.

Oh, Hiccup. I wish I could have helped you--helped all of Berk--when you had to face this immense dragon. If only I'd been there for you!


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It's okay, Mom. I undertand why you had to go and why you were gone. You wouldn't be who you are today if you had stayed in Berk. I love you... and I forgive you.

Okay! I'm sure we can find some clues that lead us to Harald. Let's split up and look around the island. [Your Viking's name], check out the hills and mounds near the volcano please.

2- Look at the volcanic plug


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Oh! Harald was recently here at this camp! We can't be far behind him. He should have been a bit more careful; his camp is in a dangerous position under this volcanic plug.

A volcanic plug is a hill that was once part of an active volcano! It used to be a vent that carried molten rock, or magma, just under the Earth's surface. Over time, the vent hardened and became that hill.

The volcano on this island is active, so it still has magma flowing just under the surface! That's why the volcanic plug is warm to the touch. It's very dangerous because it can erupt in hot lava any time. (Oh--when magma reaches the surface, we call it lava instead. It's the same hot, dangerous material, just called something different.)

Don't worry, [your Viking's name]. We'll be able to tell before the volcano erupts! There are always signals before natural hazards occur that we can read. For example, our dragons would sense the incoming natural hazard and start behaving differently.

We can interpret that change in behavior and evacuate the nearby islands. That way, we can avoid the dangers before it becomes a natural disaster! I'll show you what I mean. Meet me at the top of the mountain!

3- Investigate the mountain


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Steady, girl! We're fine! This is the crater, or the mouth, of the volcano. It is an opening in the Earth's surface that allows the hot magma to come out to the surface.

Hmm. That's really odd. This is an active volcano so it should be spewing ash and volcanic gases out of the crater. There should be an ash cloud over it but there's nothing. Hiccup, do you have any idea why?


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I'm not sure. Maybe something is wrong inside the volcano... or maybe without the Red Death, the volcano has stopped activity (or gone dormant). We should think about entering the volcano and taking a look, but let's finish our sweep of the island.

[Your Viking's name], will you meet me at the base of the volcano?

4- Look at the hole in the mountain


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When we first came here, my dad ordered the catapults to blast the side of the rock open... and the Red Death came out of its nest to confront the Vikings of Berk. I think it leads all the way inside, to the reservoir of magma inside the volcano.

There's one more place I want to check. It's not related to Harald, but... indulge me a bit, pal. You should look around the island a little more to find clues!

5- Follow the hardened lava flows


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh! I know exactly what that is! This is a trail of a hardened lava flow. There are two ways that magma comes out of a volcano. The first, and scarier type, is a volcanic eruption.

During an eruption, the volcano expels ash and lava out of the crater and blankets the nearby land with flame and destruction. The other type is a nonexplosive stream of lava. This stream cooled over time and left this interesting rock formation here!


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I found it! It looks just like I remembered. Heh, it feels a bit like ancient history now. Come meet me at the beach and I'll show you.

My dad and I never got along when I was younger. I thought it was because he hated that I would never grow up to be strong like him. He just didn't understand me since we were so different... but here, he started to see the world through my eyes.

He was a great chief and an even greater father.

6- Meet Hiccup by the shipwreck


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Toothless was chained to a ship at the beginning of the battle against the Red Death. He nearly drowned when the ship sank - and so did I, when I dove down to help. My dad swam down and saved us both.

My dad hated dragons for so long but he didn't hesitate when I was in danger.

[clips from HTTYD 1 and 2]



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Um... sorry Hiccup, I don't mean to interrupt your conversation, but there's something weird going on right now! Are you guys seeing what I'm seeing? Please fly up here with me and take a look!

7- Fly to the underwater eruption


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Whoa! Careful, girl, we don't want to get close. I've never seen anything like this before and I'm pretty sure the records at Berk don't mention it.

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It's new to me too... and it doesn't look like good news. is it just me, or does that look like the fog to you? Maybe this is the source of our poisonous fog problem.

We're going to need an expert to make sense of this. Skulder told me that he studied geology and has excavated near volcanoes.

Can you find him and bring him back to the island? Skulder was going back to Auction Island to "fix a problem." We both know that Skulder can be a bit reckless when it comes to artifacts. Be careful!

8- Go to Auction Island


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Where is Skulder? You need to find him and make sure he's not in any trouble.

9- Find the Archaeologist


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[Your Viking's name]! Thank Odin you're here. It is so wonderful to see a friendly face. I'm afraid I've found myself in a very dangerous scrape. Perhaps you can make my captors see reason?
