Saving Skulder

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

I was examining four dragon fossils at the stand and figuring out how to prove that they weren't stone dragons when I was accosted by someone. I woke up a few hours later and the fossils were gone.

Now all these vile traders think that I stole them and I have this rather painful bump on my head. Could you speak with that storekeeper and explain that I'm not capable of this kind of thievery?

1- Speak with the shifty storekeeper


File:Storekeeper icon.png

I heard the outsider's excuses and I'm not buying it. This thief is guilty until proven innocent. We'll hold him here in a cage and pelt him with fruit until he either dies or returns what he stole. It's a new law for Auction Island, but everyone is on board for it... especially the fruit vendors!

[Note: the previous dialogue will show the Dragon Trader's icon and name instead of the Storekeeper's]


File:! icon.png

If the dragon traders won't listen to reason then it's up to you. Skulder said that he was near the stand when he was knocked out. You should look for proof that someone else might have committed the crime.

2- Look for proof of Skulder's innocence

Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

You! Yes, you!

I can see you snooping around. Let's talk about this awful situation and see if we can come to an understanding.

3- Talk to the dragon trader

Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

Your archaeologist friend freed my rare Singetail! I have to pay for a ship and crew and that dragon would've been a gold mine. I had to find a way to pay him back and get my money... and I struck on a brilliant idea.

Those stone dragon pieces are proof of the power of the Red Dragon bones. A dragon hunter would sell me the yak-shirt off of his back for even a piece of that magic. I won't admit taking it... and you can't prove it.

Look, I don't want any trouble. Let's make a deal. If you walk away, you can get a great windfall from the profits. I know you'll make the right choice.


File:! icon.png

What a jerk! Show the helmet to the storekeeper before Skulder gets punished for a crime that he didn't commit.

4- Show the shifty storekeeper the helmet


File:Storekeeper icon.png

I'm sorry but this doesn't prove anything. That helmet is in style right now and all the fashionable dragon hunters have it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to find some good rotten fruit to throw.


File:! icon.png

It looks like the only way to save Skulder may be to steal back what was stolen. You should sneak into the dragon trader's ship.

5- Find a way into the dragon trader's ship


File:! icon.png

Sneak past the crew and recover the 4 dragon fossils.

6- Recover the 4 dragon fossils without being caught


File:! icon.png

Return the 4 stolen dragon fossils to the storekeeper without being caught by the crew.

7- Return the 4 stolen dragon fossils to the shifty storekeeper


File:Storekeeper icon.png

This is an outrage! That scoundrel looked me in the eyes and told me that he didn't know who stole my stone dragons. I won't let him get away with this! I'll have to gather a rotten fruit posse.

Oh-- your friend is free to go. Let him know that there are no hard feelings, yeah?


File:! icon.png

You should check on Skulder.

8- Check on Skulder


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Thank you for getting me out of one of the worst cages that I've found myself in. It's rather annoying that I have so many others to compare it to!

I don't understand these dragon traders. I spoke to them about all their fossils and explained their importance but they don't believe me. I think they've had one too many axes to the helmet if you know what I mean.

To be on the safe side we should both walkl out together. Would you click on me and lead me to the docks?

9- Tap on Skulder and lead him to the docks

[3 dragon hunters block the way]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Get out of our way, you ignorant swine!
Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

Ha-HA! There's no way out, you meddler. I might have no merchandise and no gold, but I'll have sweet revenge!
Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

Yeah! Wait... What? There isn't any gold? You swore you'd pay us this time.
Dragon Trader

File:Dragon Trader icon.png

Don't worry! You'll get all the gold you need once I sell that Singetail. I promise.

File:! icon.png

You've caught the dragon trader in a lie. You should tell his crew that the Singetail escaped.

10- Tell the dragon trader's crew that the Singetail escaped

Dragon hunter

File:Dragon hunter icon.png

Where's the vacation you promised us last month? We can't work under these conditions. You've cheated us for the last time!

File:Archaeologist icon.png

I guess: once a cheater, always a cheater. I don't have the words to express my gratitude, [your Viking's name].

What a terrible town. I need to put this place as far behind me as possible. Let's go to Dragon Island!

11- Go back to Dragon Island


File:Archaeologist icon.png

This island is more impressive than I imagined. It's magnificent!
