DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki:Rules and Guidelines

From DreamWorks School of Dragons Wiki
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  • Keep the discussions polite and respectful; no toxic, threatening, or harassing behavior will be tolerated. The Admins or Moderators will step in and take the needed actions in case.
    • You may discuss about conflicting topics such as Membership, though remember to keep it civil.
  • Respect other users and their opinions, don't single out anyone for their belief or preference.
  • Adult content like drugs, gore, violence, pornography or any form of sexual content is not allowed and will be automatically removed.
  • Plagiarism or pure stealing is not allowed, actions will immediately take place.
  • Grammar and spelling fixes are welcomed, if you see any, don't be afraid of fixing them.
  • Please remember we are NOT affiliated with Jumpstart or the SoD Team in any shape or form, if you wish to contact them, head to Contacting the game admins.
  • No spamming or vandalism, if the user's actions are purely filled with those, it's an auto-ban.
  • Harassing, insulting and/or bullying others will result in a warning.
  • Keep it PG, you may use mild swearing such as "heck", "damn" and "crap" are allowed, but more extreme swearing will be removed.
  • Usage of sensitive topics for jokes won't be tolerated.
  • Only English is allowed. Comments and edits that don't follow this rule will be removed.
  • Do not advertise or condemn any Clan on the Wiki. If you wish to advertise your Clan, the School of Dragons Forum has a dedicated sub-forum for it.
  • Keep the information according to the official sources, any fanmade information will be undone.
  • Make sure to follow the Book of Standards to help the Wiki keep the information in order.
  • Do not evade a ban/suspension as it will make your ban worse, or in extreme cases, make your redemption less likely to happen. If you wish to discuss a ban appeal, head to the Wiki Discord.
  • An Admin's decision is considered as final, however if you feel like the Admin's decision was not correct, head to the Wiki Discord to discuss it.
Moderating Rules
  • Moderators still require the follow the previous rules, namely respecting other users. Moderators cannot harass and/or bully other users.
  • Taking advantage of the moderator role for the wrong will result in severe consequences, namely a temporary removal of their role, or a straight up full removal if they continue with their wrongdoing.
  • Admins have a higher role and must be respected, however, Moderators have the rights to come with suggestions for any feature or solution for a problem, and just like normal users, if they wish to appeal to an Admin's decision, they can do so at the Wiki Discord.
Administration Rules
  • Admins aren't rule-free, the listed rules regarding respecting others still apply.
  • Taking advantage of the administration role for the wrong will result in severe consequences - if the administrator is also a Bureaucrat, a request to remove the Bureaucrat right will be done to Fandom Support if such continues with their wrongdoings.

Moderators may suggest more rules, however, only Admins and Bureaucrats may edit the rules after further discussion.

Punishment Guidelines
  • Warnings go by a case-by-case basis, meaning if the user's actions are purely done with malice, it's an automatic ban, if they're done by accident, a warning will be given.
    • If the user still continues their wrongdoing after the warning(s), a small suspension will be given.
    • If the user keeps it up even after their suspension, a large suspension and eventually full ban will be granted.
  • Infinite bans should be only applied if:
    • It's a spammer/vandal.
    • The user is violating too many rules.
    • The user keeps disregarding the warnings.
    • The user is disrespecting a Moderator's or Admin's decision regarding a fight or a change that was made.
  • Administrators may give a different ban than the rules say in justified cases.

These rules can be subject to change by the Admins anytime. For important changes, a notice will be posted in Discussion to inform all the users. However everyone is invited to check this page from time to time and especially if any doubt arise before posting a comment or editing a page.