Family Ties

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File:Hiccup icon.png

You found an ancient city in the caves? Wow! That's amazing. I want to see it too!

Oh, I nearly forgot. I visited our little Groncicle buddy and he looked a little restless. He likes you a lot, [your Viking's name]. Could you go keep an eye on him? Click/Tap on him to let him wander around but don't let him out of your sight!

1- Click/Tap on the Groncicle and follow him where he goes


File:Hiccup icon.png

Our little buddy wants to explore the Ice Caves. Maybe he wants to see the city too!

Well, he shouldn't go alone. Go into the Ice Caves with him, [your Viking's name].

2- Enter the Ice Caves


File:Hiccup icon.png

His nose is leading him somewhere... Could he be following another dragon's scent trail? Whatever he's tracking, he sure is excited about it!

Click/Tap on the baby Groncicle to keep following him.

3- Follow the Groncicle


File:Hiccup icon.png

A family of Groncicles! They must live here in the Ice Caves. What an amazing discovery! Now we can see Groncicles in their natural habitat and learn about how they uniquely function as a dragon species.

Look at how they've constructed their nest. It's different than any other dragon nest I've seen. Walk over to the other side of their nest to get a closer look.

4- Go to the pile of snow


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It looks like the Groncicles collect soft snow and use it to pad their nest. They must have eaten the snow to generate their ice breath to build the strong structure. This nest-building behavior seems to be unique to their species.

Wow, the Groncicles are really comfortable around you, [your Viking's name]! It seems like the Groncicles are a peaceful, non-aggressive dragon species--a distinct behavioral trait. They're much friendlier than Monstrous Nightmares or Speed Stingers.

Go ahead, try petting one of the adults. Click/Tap on the adult Groncicle to interact with it.

5- Click/Tap on an adult Groncicle


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Aw, I guess Groncicles are just big softies! Along with behavioral traits, the Groncicles have physical traits, or characteristics, that also distinguish them as a species.

Notice how the baby Groncicle shares many of the same physical traits as the adult Groncicle? That's because traits are passed down from parents to their offsprings.

Some examples of inheritable traits in dragons are wingspan, tail length, markings, and body color. Dragon trainers want to understand all there is to know about dragons. Come find me and we'll test your dragon knowledge.

6- Talk to Hiccup and answer his quiz


File:Hiccup icon.png

You're doing great, [your Viking's name]! I'm glad you helped pur little buddy find his long-lost family.
I only hope we can do the same for Toothless. Someday...