Hunting the Hunters

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! I'm glad you stopped by. I was out digging earlier today when I hit something hidden under the snow with my shovel. It sprang closed and snapped my shovel in half!

I jumped back out of fright. I thought it was a dragon lurking under the snow. Then I realized, it wasn't a dragon, it was a dragon trap! Since you're a dragon expert, would you mind taking a look at it?

1- Investigate the trap on the hillside


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A strange device, isn't it? It's very likely that this trap was set by the same Vikings that built the ancient city.

This trap is very dangerous, and I would bet there are others just like it hidden under snow. We must disable them before an unwary Viking or dragon sets them off on accident.

Look for other traps in the area. Tread carefully!

2- Find other traps near the Speed Stingers


File:Archaeologist icon.png

This trap was placed close to the Speed Stinger cave. Those cave paintings we found in the ruins revealed that these ancient vikings lived in harmony with the Groncicles, but perhaps the Speed Stingers were seen as a threat.

Hiccup mentioned that Speed Stingers are aggressive dragons. I can see why the ancient Vikings did not want them near their city, and yet we should still disengage these traps. It's the right thing to do.

Try shooting a fireball at the trap. Maybe you can set it off without getting too close to it.

3- Click on the trap and shoot it


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Well done!

Are there any more? We need to sweep the area. Look for another trap and disengage it with a fireball.

4- Return to the trap, click it and shoot it

File:Iceims trap off.gif
Setting it off with a fireball

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Excellent work!

I think that's all of them. Would you please collect all of the traps for me? Now that they're safe to handle, I'd like to study them!

5- Collect the disarmed traps


File:Archaeologist icon.png


Please bring the traps back to camp.

6- Deliver the traps to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Thank you so much for retrieving the traps for me! Now we won't have to worry about anyone hurting themselves while roaming the island.