The Dormant City

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

Ah, there you are! Are you ready to unravel this mystery? Click/Tap on the tablet in your backpack.

1- Open your backpack and click/tap on the tablet


File:Archaeologist icon.png

We are on the brink of an amazing discovery. I can feel it!

Meet me in the Ice Caves!

2- Enter the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

We just need to figure out the location shown on the tablet. Do you recognize this image? If you know the answer, click/tap on me and lead the way, my friend!

3- Click/Tap on the Archaeologist and bring him to the location depicted on the tablet


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Impressive work, [your Viking's name]! You would make a fine archaeologist. I should recruit you for my next expedition.

Let's explore deeper down this ice tunnel.

The passage is blocked by a thick wall of ice. I don't suppose you have a torch or some heat source that could melt it?

4- Melt the ice blocking the entrance

Note: Can be done with any dragon.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Absolutely brilliant! I am not used to receiving help from dragons. It's marvelous watching you and [your dragon's name] work together.

[Ice wall disappears and Skulder teleports to the entrance]

Onward, my friend! Follow the passage into the depths.

5- Click/Tap on the Archaeologist and enter the ruins


File:Archaeologist icon.png

These must be the ruins of an ancient civilization. Astounding!

Over there! Isn't it incredible that those buildings still stand strong after all these centuries? Let's investigate!

6- Click/Tap on the Archaeologist and examine the buildings


File:Archaeologist icon.png

These buildings are very well-preserved. Unlike many Vikings buildings today, these buildings are mostly made out of stone.

This city has been abandoned for thousands of years. I wonder what happened to the Vikings that lived here so long ago? There's an old ship here. Perhaps they sailed away?

Solving the mysteries of the past is what archaeologists do. I have so many questions! What were the ancient Vikings like? Where did they go? Why did they leave?

So many mysteries to uncover! It's what archaeologists live for, and we've only scratched the surface. Let's keep going.

Look - cave paintings! Let's take a closer look.

7- Click/Tap on the Archaeologist and look at the paintings


File:Archaeologist icon.png

What gorgeous artwork! Did you know that humans have been making art since the very beginning?

Ancient art can tell us a lot about the people that made it. For example, the Vikings that lived in this city obviously had contact with dragons. You can see depictions of dragons in these paintings.

Let's keep exploring. Over there! I see something that looks like a big statue. Let's investigate.

8- Click on the Archaeologist and look at Groncicle statue


File:Archaeologist icon.png

What a beautiful work of art! This statue was placed in the center of the entire city, so dragons were likely an important part of their culture.

Hmmm, that dragon statue looks a lot like a Gronckle, doesn't it? Or is it a Groncicle? I can't say for sure.

Let's keep looking around. Over there! It looks like a large door made of stone.

9- Click/Tap on the Archaeologist and look at the stone door


File:Archaeologist icon.png

It looks like this door was designed like a puzzle, with rotating circular parts. Once a key is placed in this slot, the door should open.

We must find the key if we want to proceed. In the meantime, I must record our findings in my journal. We have much research to do! Feel free to keep exploring.