Digging into the Past

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

I'm still exhilarated from our amazing discovery! I can't thank you enough for helping me find it. Now the real work begins!

We should go back to the ruins and dig around for evidence to figure out what happened to these ancient Vikings. Are you ready, my friend? Lead the way to the ancient ruins in the Ice Caves.

1- Visit the ruins in the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Here we are at the heart of an ancient wonder, standing on the very same soil as those who lived thousands of years ago!

Right now, we're beginning an archaeological field survey, where we will unearth relics to collect information about this place and its past cultures.

We did one earlier, remember? We looked at the cave paintings and architecture, discovered a pattern, and came to the conclusion that these ancient Vikings revered the Groncicle.

Now we're digging in deeper to piece together the whole story. There's something we haven't examined yet--a shipwreck! Let's take a closer look.

2- Investigate the shipwreck


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Magnificent! The freezing temperatures preserved this shipwreck remarkably well. Isn't it beautiful? Now we can make an informed generalization: this ship is evidence that these ancient Vikings were seafarers.

Hmmm, but... Is this one of their ships, or does this belong to someone else? I wonder.

Hmmm, but I don't see a way out. How did they sail this ship into the ocean? Take a look around. Do you see an exit big enough for a ship?

3- Investigate the cave-in


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Good eye! Clearly this used to be an open passageway for ships, but it has caved in. Did this happened while the Vikings lived in this village, I wonder?

People often migrate to find a better life. Who knows? Perhaps these ancient Vikings settled on other islands and their descendants live on today!

What else can we speculate about this fascinating civilization? We can speculate that they fished for food, but did they also grow crops or raise farm animals? Let's look around for artifacts that might give us a better idea.

4- Collect interesting artifacts

[item found: Withered Arctic Willow]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Excellent find! It's a well-preserved, dried plant. This plant is a biofact. Biofacts are organic materials found at archaeological sites. They're like artifacts, but are not created by human hands like tools or pots

Good work! Now we can deduce that ancient Vikings cultivated plants inside these Ice Caves, perhaps using the heat from the geothermal area. Could you please bring me the biofact you found? I'd like to examine it.

5- Bring the biofact to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Thank you! I didn't learn this as quickly as you have. You certainly have a talent for archaeology, my friend. I am lucky to have you on my expedition!