Sonar Powers

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File:Archaeologist icon.png

Ready for more adventure? Me too! We need to dig deeper--literally! Let's perform a small excavation to see if there are any buried artifacts we can recover for research.

However, this excavation is more delicate than others I have done before. It would be unwise to blindly hack away at the icy walls--we don't want to cause a cave-in!

What we need is a device that can detect objects buried in the ice, so that we only dig in the right spots. Do you think you could ask Hiccup to see if he has any ideas?

1- Talk to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

A device that detects things hidden in the ice? Well I haven't invented a device that can do that yet, but Toothless uses echolocation to find fish underwater.

Echolocation involves locating objects by reflected sound. It might work with solid ice too. Toothless has really sharpened his skills since we first met. We've both grown a lot since then!

Make your way to the Ruins, [your Viking's name]. I'll tell Toothless to meet you there!

2- Go to the Ruins in the Ice Caves


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Are you sure having a Night Fury in the Ruins is a good idea? What if he accidentally destroys something or causes a cave-in with his sonar pulse?

Or... what if he gets hungry? I look like the perfect Viking-sized snack!

Well, if you insist... I suppose I can trust you and your dragon-training expertise. Aim the Night Fury's sonar pulse at the wall of ice. Please be careful!

3- Mount Toothless and shoot a sonar blast at the ice wall

Note: You can use your own Toothless for this mission

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Incredible! I can hardly believe such a deadly dragon would listen to a Viking. It's absolutely mind-boggling! How do you do it? Bravo!

I think the Night Fury's echolocation has located something. Dismount him and head to the right spot.

4- Find the digging spot


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Good work!

Get out your axe and carefully chop away at the ice. Be delicate! We don't want to damage the artifact.

5- Use your axe to carve out the artifact

[The fossil falls out of the ice]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Why, that's not an artifact at all! It's a fossil. Fossils are the preserved remains of plants or animals. Fossils are most often found in sedimentary rock. However, some fossils can also be found preserved in ice. This fossil seems to be a bone.

I need a closer look to figure out what creature this bone comes from. Could you bring the fossil back to camp for me?

6- Deliver the fossil to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Ah, there it is! Thank you. Let me take a look...

Hmmm... It seems to be the femur of some type of a dragon, judging by its density and porousness. I can't say for sure until I spend more time studying it. Very impressive work, my friend! What a successful excavation!