The Headmaster's Wild Ride

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File:Hiccup icon.png

Hey, [your Viking's name], the Headmaster has been asking for you. He had an excited gleam in his eye. Maybe he has some adventure in mind? Fly back to the school and talk to him!

1- Talk to the Headmaster at the School


File:Headmaster icon.png

Hello, student! From what Hiccup tells me, you've been having quite the journey out on the island. It's been many years since I've been on an adventure, myself. Now that the school buildings are complete, I think it's high time to go see the island with my own eyes.

I'll meet you at Icestorm Island. Fishlegs has kindly offered me his dragon!

2- Fly to Icestorm Island


File:Headmaster icon.png

My word! That was not a pleasant trip.

My head is still spinning! How can you fly through the air like that? It felt like my insides were trying to become my outsides! Give me a moment to collect myself, please.

Alright. Let's start off in the caves.

3- Enter the Ice Caves


File:Headmaster icon.png

How majestic! Who knew such things could be hiding under this island?

These rock formations are called stalagmites! These are rocks that rise from the floor of the cave. They are formed when water drips to the floor and the deposits freeze. The rest of this cave seems very interesting as well. Let's explore this cave system more, [your Viking's name].

Note: The Headmaster must've meant stalagtites as the rock formations you see and are told to look at are coming from the ceiling.

4- Look at the stalagmites


File:Headmaster icon.png

Can you feel the warm breeze coming from the water? It's because this is a geothermal cave! Heat energy from within Earth is called geothermal energy. In some places of the worlds, hot water and steam from inside the ground escape to the surface through veins or geysers found underground.

I want to feel the icy breeze on my face and my beard freezing! I love facing the teeth of winter. Let's go back outside, [your Viking's name]. I believe Hiccup mentioned a glacier neat the school expansion. I want to see it.

5- Visit the Glacier


File:Headmaster icon.png

This reminds me of my years as a boy, venturing out into the icy waters to fish with my father...

One more thing. Hiccup mentioned that there was a dragon on this island that didn't fly. That sounds perfect for me. Click/Tap on me and lead me to the Speed Stinger caves, student.

6- Show the Headmaster the Speed Stingers


File:Headmaster icon.png

Well, this looks like a challenge worthy of a wily old Viking warrior! I may be past my prime, but I'm not out of tricks just yet. Thank you for your help today, [your Viking's name].