Following the Rogue Rider

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File:Gobber icon.png

Ah! I almost forgot in the middle of all this talk about my machines. I noticed that you've been talking to that masked dragon rider a lot recently. I saw him fly out toward the Ship Graveyard at top speed. He looked like he was on a mission!

You might want to follow him there and figure out what's going on. A dragon rider going at that speed means only thing: danger!

1- Look for the Rogue Dragon Rider at the Ship Graveyard

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Thank Odin you're here!

We need your help on the deck of the Reaper, right away. Please come!

2- Talk to the Rogue Dragon Rider

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

I think this dragon is Thornado, who used to be Stoick's dragon. He seems desperate to go inside the ship, but these giant eels are attacking us. It's taking both of us to fight these eels off!

We need you to explore the ship for us. Go down inside the ship and see why Thornado keeps trying to get in please. Tap on the hatch to enter the ship. Watch your step!

3- Click on the door to enter the Reaper


File:! icon.png

Why would Thornado want to enter the ship? You must explore the ship to find the answer. Be wary of the traps within the halls and proceed deeper into the heart of the Reaper.

4- Why did Thornado want to come down into the Reaper?


File:! icon.png

Bing, Bam, and Boom are locked up! Who could have trapped them?

Maybe you can open one of the cell doors!

5- Click on the door


File:! icon.png

Tap on Bing and lead the dragons out of the Reaper.

6- Click on Bing and lead the dragons out


File:! icon.png

Thornado would be happy to see his dragons safe and sound. You should exit this ship and return to the deck of the Reaper.

[you are teleported outside the ship]


File:! icon.png

You can see the gratitude in Thornado's eyes.

7- Talk to Hiccup at the Training Grounds


File:Hiccup icon.png

[Your Viking's name]! Look who decided to drop by. Our old friend Thornado hasn't been on the island for a while so it's good to see him. We'll want him on our side when we take on the Death Song. Did you have something to do with bringing him back? Good job, buddy.
