The Hatchery is in Trouble

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File:Astrid icon.png

Bad news, [your Viking's name]. The Death Song was spotted flying towards the school! With its hypnotic song, the Death Song can paralyze our dragon defenses and fly directly to the school. I need your help! Will you fly to the school and look for the Death Song?

1- Help Astrid at the School

[animation of Death Song flying out of the hatchery]


File:Astrid icon.png

Whoa! Close call.

I don't know if it's a good sign or a bad sign that the Death Song is leaving the school... did it find enough food to get him full?

Uh oh... we better get inside the Hatchery, right away.

2- Go into the Hatchery


File:Astrid icon.png

Oh no... it stole dragon eggs!

We need to get this clear of the amber right away. Can you use the solution you made with Heather to dissolve these Death Song amber pieces?

3- Destroy the amber from the Hatchery (3)


File:Astrid icon.png

We need an answer to the threat of the Death Song.

Hiccup told me that the Thunderdrum might be a good response, but we need to figure that out fast and get moving on the solution.

4- Talk to the Headmaster


File:Headmaster icon.png

For all my years of fighting against dragons, I couldn't do anything when the Death Song attacked. It used its song to freeze our dragons in place and it had its way in the Hatchery. We are running out of time, [your Viking's name]. I would like to find a peaceful way to resolve this problem, but I will use my axe if I must to protect my students and their dragons.

Before the Death Song entered the hatchery, it landed on Johann's trading post and ravaged it. I didn't see exactly what happened as I was busy trying to defend the young ones. Will you go check up on him and make sure he is well?

5- Talk to Johann

Johann the Trader

File:Johann the Trader icon.png

Oh! [Your Viking's name], the Death Song gave me such a fright. It landed in front of me and roared, paralyzing me in fear! Then it struck out and stole all my baskets full of the freshest eels from the waters around the schools. I am no dragon trainer, but I hear dragons don't like eels. Why would this massive dragon take eels?

Thank you for your concern, my friend, but I will be fine. Other than the blow to my ego, it hardly hurt me at all!


File:Hiccup icon.png

We've been relying on dragons and their dragon trainers to defend the Hatchery. With the Death Song increasing its hunting grounds, we're going to need more man-mad defenses. We need catapults and crossbows if we want to stand a chance. Will you talk to Gobber at the School about building more defenses for the school?

6- Talk to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

I've been waiting for this day for years, lad/lassie! I was born to do this job.

Now that Freya is ready to go, I can make some catapults for the school! I know how to harness energy to make dangerous machines to fend off the Death Song. Machines use a lot of energy and motion to work. Once that arm is released on the catapult, there is no stopping the projectile. An object in motion stays in motion and hopefully hits our target.

There's only one way to make sure that you've made a good machine: testing! You need to test your designs to find the best solutions. Take this net shooter, for example. Hiccup tested this design against... well, Toothless. The good thing is that he found it was a very effective design!

That's why we remade it. You should take a closer look at the machine!

7- Look at Hiccup's net shooter


File:Gobber icon.png

I'll focus on making more machines and setting them up around the school. We'll be ready to fight against the Death Song when he shows his face again here!
