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File:Valka icon.png

I believe should [sic] continue to inspire our Night Lights with experiences across the archipelago. I have just received word from our Archeologist [sic] that the matriarch of Dragon Island, the Green Death, has been sighted to the Northwest.

This opportunity to observe her would be invaluable to our brave young lady. Please find Dart.

1- Find Dart at New Berk


File:Valka icon.png

Please bring her back to me.

2- Bring Dart to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Hello, little one!

Let us go: I do not want to miss this opportunity to safely observe the Green Death from a distance. Head out to sea to the northwest: I will see you there! You can find the spot marked on your map.

3- Use the map to go to the ocean


File:Valka icon.png

No sign of her from here. We may need to be patient.

This may be for the best: there is a fleet of ships on the horizon, and our Green Death may not be tolerant of them.


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Valka! [Your Viking's name]! I am so relieved you are here! We have company!

4- Talk to Skulder


File:Valka icon.png

Are you alright, Skulder?

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Yes, I was hiding from those ships, but.... Thor save us all: the Green Death is right there!
  • Cutscene: The Green Death flies close to the Warlord ships.

File:Valka icon.png

She is indeed, but seem peaceful for now. I cannot say the same of the Warlords. These look to be warlord ships, but we should not assume. [Your Viking's name], please scout cautiously, giving the Green Death a wide berth.

5- Scout near the ships


File:Valka icon.png

Just a moment: who is that below?

File:Archaeologist icon.png

HARALD, the fiend!
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

We meet in the most interesting places, [your Viking's name]!

6- Find out what Harald is doing there

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

What am I doing here? The same reason we all are here: I'm looking at these warlords so far out of their territory. The mountain of a dragon being out here is a special bonus.

Imagine if she turned on the warlord fleet: how horrible for them. Come on, wouldn't you like to see that, [your Viking's name]?


File:Valka icon.png

No. It is our responsibility to respect and protect these dragons by giving them proper space.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Looks like your little dragon pal thinks otherwise.

File:Valka icon.png

Dart! Quick, intercept her!

7- Look for Dart


File:! icon.png

You should mount Dart and get away quickly!

8- Click/Tap on Dart

  • Cutscene: Riding on Dart, you fly her past the Warlord ships. The Green Death follows you, then burns down a Warlord ship while you watch with Dart on a nearby rock.
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

How horrible. Very sad.

File:Valka icon.png

We don't have time to deal with Harald; there are captured dragons on those ships. Hurry, [your Viking's name]!

9- Fly down to the Scuttleclaws


File:Valka icon.png

These are baby Scuttleclaw from Scuttleclaw Island. Quickly free them!

10- Open the first cage

11- Open the second cage

12- Open the third cage

  • Cutscene:The Green Death roars at the Scuttleclaw babies. Even though they are free, the Scuttleclaw babies are scared, shaking in their opened chages.

File:Valka icon.png

They're still too afraid. Perhaps Dart can get through to them. Give the mighty roar of the Green Death a try, Dart!

13- Click/Tap on Dart to ask for her aid

  • Cutscene: Dart roars at the Scuttleclaws, convincing them to get out of their cages and follow her away from the Warlord ships.

File:Valka icon.png

What a brave and inspiring roar, young one! You make your parents proud, Dart. Lead the baby Scuttleclaw to safety.

Our Archeologist [sic] friend might be in trouble, we need to find him in this chaos.

14- Find Skulder


File:Valka icon.png

Skulder's ship has been struck by fire!

Skulder, can you hear us?

15- Assist Skulder


File:Archaeologist icon.png

... Is my boat all right?

File:Valka icon.png

No, but you are safe, and that is what is important. Thank you for finding him, [your Viking's name].

All of you, please come back to a safer distance.

16- Fly to the safe spot


File:Valka icon.png

Everyone is here. And not a moment too soon: the Green Death is on the move...
  • Cutscene: The Green Death burns down the rest of the Warlord ships.

File:Valka icon.png

I believe the Green Death is far more than pure rage: she did not harm the baby scuttleclaw. Perhaps she has a greater empathy with Dart than we knew, as well.

There are forces of nature in this world far beyond our ability, or right, to control. They deserve our respect. From a distance, we can learn from them and through that understanding, be inspired.