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File:Gobber icon.png

G'morning to ya, [your Viking's name]! Just the viking I wanted to see. There's some kerfuffle happening by the school's terror mail box, can ye go see what it's about?

1- Check the mailbox "situation" at School


File:Astrid icon.png

That's Leopold, Harald's Terrible Terror!

Quick, grab that terror mail!

2- Click/Tap on Leopold to intercept the mail


File:Astrid icon.png

Pouncer, stay with us.

Let's take a look at what we've intercepted and see who that villain Harald is trying to talk to.

3- Show Astrid the mail


File:Astrid icon.png

Wait. This a letter FOR Harald! He must be here somewhere if Leopold was delivering his mail here!

Would you check for Harald by the docks here in the school?

4- Look for Harald by the dock at school


File:Astrid icon.png

Nothing, huh?

5- Look for Harald by the Trading post at school [sic]


File:Astrid icon.png

Let's not give up the search quite yet

6- Look for Harald near the Lab at School


File:Astrid icon.png

How frustrating! Harald must be around here close by. But we still have this mail. Unfortunately, I don't see any message in it. Why send an empty letter?

File:Heather icon.png

I'd like to take a look at this blank mail, would you bring it over to me?

7- Show Heather the blank mail

[the following dialogue presents this note on a side

Editor's note: These thrilling adventures took place in Secret of the Leviathan!]


File:Heather icon.png

We've seen this before: a message made with lemon juice ink. Lemon juice is more acidic than the parchment. The acid weakened the parchment where it dried. That part of the parchment turns brown before the rest of the parchment when it's exposed to heat.

Just as I thought: there's a secret message here. Just a moment... This is a request for Harald to come to a meeting between Stormheart... and Griselda the Grievous!

The meeting is today, at Auction Island. Will you ask Astrid what she'd like to do?

8- Check in with Astrid


File:Astrid icon.png

Griselda the Grevious: That's one of the Warlords who worked with Grimmel!

There's no time to waste: are you busy, [your Viking's name]? I want to hunt for Harald here, but I also don't want to send you in alone against multiple foes.

[the following dialogue presents this note on a side

Editor's note: These thrilling adventures took place in Call of the Death Song!]


File:Heather icon.png

I'll go with [your Viking's name], and we'll keep it stealthy. [Your Viking's name], head over to Windshear when ready. We'll fly together. I'll be with you quickly: I want to wear my rider gear for this. It's about time the Mysterious Dragon Rider returned to Auction Island!

File:Astrid icon.png

Sounds like a plan.

9- Go with Windshear at the school to Auction Island

Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Hey, it's me, Heather: aka the Rogue Dragon Rider. I've also brought some smoke bombs if we need a quick escape, but I hope we don't have to use them.

Let's try to just stay out of sight. I've got your back, [your Viking's name]. Click/Tap on me and lead the way.

10- Sneak into Auction Island town with Heather

  • Cutscene: Pouncer peers though some foliage from above, then glides down to meet you.
Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Pouncer must have followed us! Well, there's no sending him back now, he's safer with us.

Stay close, Pouncer. Lead on, [your Viking's name].

11- Sneak close to hear the conversation at Auction Island

  • Cutscene: Nikora Stormheart stands up from her throne and is greeted by Griselda the Grievous, Ragnar the Rock, and Chaghatai Khan.

File:Stormheart icon.png

Welcome, Griselda. I have seen your ships closing on Impossible Island. I will make this simple: you will stay away from my Luminous Krayfin, or you will find you have made a rather costly mistake.

File:Griselda icon.png

We don't care about your precious water dragon, so long as it stays out of the way. Is this how you discuss terms: to immediately threaten me?

File:Stormheart icon.png

Just a moment, Griselda; I see someone else to threaten.

Welcome, [your Viking's name].


File:Griselda icon.png

Stormheart! What are Berkians doing here?!

File:Stormheart icon.png

Getting captured, it seams.

Bring them to me.

  • Cutscene: Nikora Stormheart signals her warriors your way, and the Warlords and them prepare to charge after you.
Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Abort mission! Let's get out of here!

Run, Pouncer!

12- Run to a hiding spot on Auction Island


File:Valka icon.png

Do your best to delay them; Cloudjumper and I are on the way to get you out of there!
  • Cutscene: You, Heather, and Pouncer run as you are being chased by Warlords. Pouncer turns around and attempts to blind the pursuers, but fails in doing so. Pouncer cowers under his wing while the Warlord taunts him, just before being blinded by Heather's smoke bomb. Pouncer and Heather returns to you as Valka and Cloudjumper starts to land.

File:Valka icon.png

Pouncer seems very upset from the trip: will you please gently check on him?

13- Check on Pouncer


File:Valka icon.png

Poor boy, he seems very dejected. You did your best, young one.
Rogue Dragon Rider

File:Rogue Dragon Rider icon.png

Valka, did you see him attempt to blind the enemies to help?

File:Valka icon.png

Our little hero. That gives me an idea to lift his spirits. There's someone I think Pouncer should meet. [Your Viking's name], will you meet me at Titan Island?

File:Eret icon.png

Hop onto my ship if you want a ride, I'm headed that way.

14- Head to Titan Island


File:Valka icon.png

I'm glad you made it out safely, [your Viking's name]! Is Pouncer there near you?

Please bring Pouncer over to me. Click/Tap on him when ready.

15- Bring Pouncer to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Let's show Pouncer that the Krayfin is not to be feared. Please give him a pat.

16- Greet the Krayfin

  • Cutscene: Lumie dives and then jumps out of the water, executing a blind attack as he lands. Pouncer is encouraged by the display.

File:Valka icon.png

By Thor, look at that flashy display!

Give Pouncer a bit of encouragement!

17- Encourage Pouncer

  • Cutscene: Pouncer shoots a fireball that causes a blinding effect. He then flies around Lumie happily.

File:Valka icon.png

They are bonding! Luminous Krayfin are well known for creating powerful and blinding flashes. My hope is that Pouncer may learn and develop his new skill further, while also being a friend to our lonely Krayfin.

It seems each of the Night Lights are starting to discover themselves: what a wonderful event to witness!