Scuttleclaw Island

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File:Map portal icon.png This page is about the Quest. You may be looking for the Location.


File:Valka icon.png

Hello again, [your Viking's name] and [your Dragon's name]. Our journey with the young Night Lights around the archiepelago is about to begin. We are going to visit each of the eldest and largest of the dragons.

Before we go, please check in with Hiccup. I've cleared our mission with him, but he had something to tell you before we go.

1 - Talk with Hiccup at New Berk


File:Hiccup icon.png

Hey [your Viking's name]: I'm sorry I've been away so much lately. I'm working with other tribes to improve alliances, which hasn't always been simple. Old habits with dragons are hard to break, but not impossible with some time and effort.

Valka asked who could assist with helping our Night Lights to understand more of the world, and your name immediately came up. I hope you don't mind.

I just wanted to tell you that you have my full support, but you might want to talk to Toothless himself: I don't speak for him on this.

2 - Click/Tap on Toothless to ask his approval


File:Hiccup icon.png

Great! Thanks for trusting us with your children, bud. I know Valka and [your Viking's name] will keep them safe.

File:Valka icon.png

Thank you for your confidence in is. I have a few last things to prepare; in the meanwhile, I am sending the Night Lights to the training grounds with Astrid. Would you give her a hand with them?

3 - Find Astrid in the Training Grounds


File:Astrid icon.png

There you are. These little dragons are a lot to handle; they're racing about inside my training area as we speak.

If you're really heading out into the world with the Night Lights, we should get in a bit of training while we wait for Valka. The Night Lights will be watching you train: no pressure!

4 - Defeat Nightlight Practice Round in Dragon Tactics (Complete Dragon Tactics level: Night Light Practice Round)


File:Astrid icon.png

That was a great warm-up.

Head back to Valka to see if she's ready; I'll send the Night Lights along as soon as I can.

5 - Check in with Valka


File:Valka icon.png

How was your training session? You look invigorated!

I have determined our first stop should be to visit a mighty Skrill Titan which has made nest on Scuttleclaw Island. Would you help me gather three more brown trout, in case we need to appease her?

6 - Bring 3 Brown Trout to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

Well done, I think we are ready.

I will fetch our young dragons; let us meet at Scuttleclaw Island!

7 - Go to Scuttleclaw Island


File:Valka icon.png

Something is very wrong here: I fear the worst. There is no sign of the Skrill Titan.

Let us check on the Scuttleclaw nests, for they are the most vulnerable on this island.

8 - Check on the Scuttleclaw nests


File:Valka icon.png

What has happened here? The Scuttleclaw would not choose to leave their nests.

I will look for traces of baby dragons that may have escaped; [your Viking's name], please look for any clues of what could have disturbed them. Dart, Ruffrunner, Pouncer: stay close to Cloudjumper.

9- Inspect the Evidence


File:Valka icon.png

Are those human footprints? See where they lead!

10- Follow the footprints

  • Cutscene: Close-up of the Warlord Base.

File:Valka icon.png

Oh, Thor lend us strength... Who are these men?

Take a swift flight over the camp and survey for symbols. Perhaps we can identify them. Try not to be spotted.

11 - Scout by flying over the camp.

  • Cutscene: Valka, Cloudjumper, Dart, Pouncer, Ruffrunner, and the Player are startled by spear projectiles and flees.

File:Valka icon.png

Back to the rocks, quickly!

12 - Regroup with Valka


File:Valka icon.png

The Warlords have made camp here, they have become emboldened. We dare not linger here too long.

Please check out towards the sea to look for any further Warlord fleet in the area. I need to be sure the eggs are safe and will catch up to you soon.

13- Use the map to check the eastern sea


File:! icon.png

The sea looks quiet out this way... but for how long?

Gobber manages the defenses, giving him a report would be a good next step.

14- Talk to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

How dare they bully our wee gentle Scuttleclaw! I hope that Skrill titan gives them what-for.

Everyone's bringin' me defense reports lately, you came to the right viking for news. I don't trust that quiet sea to the northeast... but I'll let you know if I hear anything.


Quest Steps

Cutscene 1

Cutscene 2