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File:Hiccup icon.png

The twins have really done it this time! Ugh.
We need to figure this out before we're all overrun with Hobgobblers. Can you see what Heather recommends we do?

1 - Talk to Heather


File:Heather icon.png

I have a few ideas that I want to explore, but first: I think this little guy was waiting for you to return. Do you know him?

If he's followed you across three islands, this dragon must have imprinted on you! Sometimes, animals can learn that a specific animal or person is worth its trust.

Baby birds, for instance, don't know who they are when they hatch; they need to visually imprint on their parents to figure out who they are.

We don't know how or why these animals imprint on humans, but this guy must have locked on you. Will you reach your hand out and click on the Hobgobbler?

2 - Click on the Hobgobbler
[Cutscene: Smitten Hobgobbler simply croaks]


File:Heather icon.png

Oh. Okay...

File:Archaeologist icon.png

I apologize to interrupt you two, but Gobber has a 'cornered prey' look in his eyes. (I know it very well, considering how often I felt that way around all these scary dragons before you helped me!)

No one is more qualified to talk to him than you, [your Viking's name]. Can you see if you can talk him down from the ledge?

3 - Talk to Gobber

Note: From now on, the Smitten Hobgobbler will always teleport behind you everytime you finish talking with a character.

File:Gobber icon.png

Where do they come from?? I swear they just blink into life!

These little devils must come from Hel [sic, Viking's term for The Underworld (Helheim or Hel)] itself, from the way that they poof into being and just muliply. They're not normal, I tell you! Valka needs to know about their abilities, so she can fix this. Go! Go!

4 - Talk to Valka


File:Valka icon.png

It's so interesting to have all these Hobgobblers here in one place, isn't it? From what I hear, New Berk isn't the only place. They're appearing everywhere around the archipelago.

I'll speak to Astrid and see where else these lovely rascals have been spotten. Can you talk to Fishlegs and find out what he believes about the situation?

5 - Talk to Fishlegs


File:Fishlegs icon.png

The Hobgobblers are able to spread so quickly around the archipelago because they have evolved to have increased fertility. They hatch more eggs, so that Hobgobblers maximize the possibility that their young will survive to reproduce themselves.

All animals are different, but as a general rule, bigger animals tend to reproduce less than smaller ones.

I wish that we could keep all the dragons safe here, but there's just too many of them! They're starting to annoy the other dragons, too. Fishmeat nearly snarled at one, and I don't want him to pick up bad habits!

Wait - what are they doing over there at the fountain?

6 - Look at the fountain


File:Fishlegs icon.png

I can't tell if they're taking over or if they just don't care we're here.

Speaking of Fishmeat, have you seen him anywhere? Oh gosh, what if he's gotten into trouble? Please find him for me!

7 - Look for Fishmeat
[Cutscene: Fishmeat cheerfully playing with a Hobgobbler]

File:Hobgobbler and fishmeat.png
Fishmeat playing with a Hobgobbler

File:! icon.png

It seems like at least one dragon is enjoying the presence of the Hobgobblers...

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Listen! [Your Viking's name], you're going about this all the wrong way. Forget about Fishlegs's [sic] baby. Get over here and lsiten to my wisdom.

8 - Talk to Tuffnut


File:Tuffnut icon.png

You gottan do things in the right way if you want to see progress. You can't expect to climb a mountain without the right tools, right? I'll teach you what you need to know to lead these Hobgobblers. Allow me to be your sherpa.
