The Way of the Hob

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File:Tuffnut icon.png

Follow my instructions to the letter, and you will have the strenght and spiritual attunement to lead the Hobgobblers. First! These dragons left scales all around New Berk. Find them and grab them!

1 - Find the Hobgobbler scales (10)

Scale Locations:
  1. By the Fountain;
  2. By Snotlout's house;
  3. By the boarded cave, there will be a pack of four Hobgobblers;
  4. By Tuffnut's house, there will be a Hobgobbler stumbling into a wall;
  5. In Hiccup and Astrid's house, there will be a Hobgobbler nibbling into a pole;
  6. In the middle of the Blacksmith;
  7. By Bucket's house, there will be two Hobgobblers;
  8. On a high ground in front of Bucket's house;
  9. On a high ground in front of the Fishing Spot by Mulch;
  10. On a high ground by the watefalls, two Hobgobblers keep stumbling into each other in flight;

[Item found: 10 Piles of Hobgobbler Scales]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Excellent! Extra points on your collection form. Use those quads! Use them!

Be a shame if we don't put your nice pile of scales to good use. Put it in Gobber's waiting hands!

2 - Give the scales to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

There ya are! Tuffnut told me you'd be coming. This better work to gell all those cursed dragons out of here...

The way I see it, the faster you jump through Tuffnut's hoops the faster you'll be done with his silliness. He's waiting for you by the waterfalls. Stand in front of him!

3 - Stand before Tuffnut at New Berk

File:Hobgobbler stand.png
The Hobgobbler Stand

File:Tuffnut icon.png

Well done, my very young apprentice.

Second! Embrace the calm of the Hobgobbler. She has seen it all. Done it all. The world could burn and the only thing we'd see in her eyes is the reflection of the blazes. Click on me, sit there, and channel the spirit of the Hobgobbler.

4 - Click on Tuffnut and stand before him

Note: You need to click on Tuffnut when standing in front of him. I you're on his side or behind him, the dialogue will not appear.

File:Tuffnut icon.png


[Cutscene: Player and the Hobgobbler having a staring contest, after 2-3 camera pannings, the Hobgobbler "loses" by clearing one of its eyes with the tongue and it ends with Tuffnut cheering]


File:Tuffnut icon.png


That was intense! I need a break.
Talk to Skulder by the Hidden World cave, okay?

5 - Talk to the Archaeologist

Note: Skulder isn't by the cave, he's by the bridge close to the Mulch's Fishing Spot, this is perhaps a glitch.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

What am I, the backup plan?

Sigh. It's my lot in life.
These Hobgobblers have been waiting for their chance to shine. They're eager to have your precense with them!
Well, I think they're eager.

Now, from what I've heard, Tuffnut has put you through your paces with a series of exercises. However, no exercise can replace face to face time with the dragons themselves. Will you find the gathering of Hobgobblers and click on them, one by one?

6 - Click on the Hobgobbler (6)

Note: The gathering is by Skulder, on the same bridge.

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Well done!

Please, go back to Tuffnut and let him know you've aced my challenge.

7 - Come back to Tufffnut


File:Tuffnut icon.png

You don't seem very tired.
Aww... I was hoping Skulder would wear you out with some hard manual labor!

Are you ready? You look ready. Let's go! Moment of truth, [your Viking's name]: click on the Hobgobbler and mount him. Keep all my lessons in mind. You're going to need them to survive this harrowing experience!

8 - Mount the Hobgobbler

Note: The normal Hobgobbler, not the Smitten one.

File:Tuffnut icon.png

So far so good!

Okay! Third: right before you came over here, this Hobgobbler dropped something among all those sheep over there. Fly over there and handle the situation, my young disciple!

9 - Fly to the sheep gathering at New Berk


File:Astrid icon.png

Tuffnut sent you? Good. I was starting to think he was trying to wiggle out of his promises.

Thanks to the twins's [sic] prank, these poor cheep have been scared out of their minds! And, well, they've also been scared out of everything else. They've left sheep droppings everywhere!

You have your shovel, right? Find the sheep droppings and bury them. They're starting to stink!

10 - Shovel the poop (8)

Note: After shoving 4 poops, the step will change to "For Thor's sake, there's so much poop" until you shove for another poop.

File:Astrid icon.png

You're a saint for taking this chore off Tuffnut's hands!

Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate you taking the time while so many people need your attention! I think Gobber was looking for you next.

11 - Talk to Gobber


File:Gobber icon.png

Working on such accursed scales wasn't fun! Here you go. Keep it close; I'm sure you'll need it to survive whatever Tuffnut is planning for you in the future!

[Item received: 1 Hobgobbler Dragon Armor and 1 Battle Backpack Slot]


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Good! Now you are armored for the job. Now we need you to spread the seeds of your knowledge all across the archipelago, and handle the Hobgobblers everywhere!

I've taken the liberty of letting them know you're coming to save the day. Put that armor on, my friend, and go to the Lookout. The Botanist is waiting for you.

Note: You'll be given a Customize screen for the Hobgobbler Dragon Armor.

12 - Go to the Lookout in your new armor


File:! icon.png

You should look for the Botanist.

13 - Talk to the Botanist


File:Phlegma icon.png

There you are! I've been waiting for you for ages. I love these little guys, but they're overstaying their welcome.

These adorable babies are eating everything and being a terrible burden on everyone. I need you to grab all the babies! They're the green ones. I can handle the Broad Wings!

14 - Grab all the green baby Hobgobblers in the Lookout (10)

Baby Hobgobblers Locations:
  1. By the pumpkins in The Farm's entrance;
  2. Biting the 2nd bridge that leads to the walkable highest point;
  3. On the said highest point, by the telescope;
  4. On the non-functioning lift;
  5. On the docks, a bit close to the ship;
  6. On the bucket right below the windmill;
  7. By the tunnel to The School;
  8. By Wartihog;
  9. By the waterfall closest to the tunnel entrance to the School, the baby is hovering;
  10. By the beach without Wartihog and close to the Fishing Spot.

File:Phlegma icon.png

I knew I could count on you, [your Viking's name]. You're reliable. Ruffnut is waiting for you at Zippleback Island. Also - next time you see Tuffnut, tell him I'm not a message board! He can pass on his own notes next time.

15 - Go to Zippleback Island


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Yo! Yo! Over here, Tuffnut's Disciple!

16 - Talk to Ruffnut


File:Ruffnut icon.png

You came here just in time. Things are getting really riled up here!

I was trying to gather as many Hobgobblers here from the other nearby islands so that my group is bigger than Tuffnut's, but one of them found some dragon root from Odin-knows-where. We need to take the dragon root before it drives them all bonkers!

17 - Find the Dragon Root
[Cutscene: Hobgobblers gradually surrounding the player]

File:Player surrounded in hobs.png
Player surrounded in Hobgobblers

File:Ruffnut icon.png

Oh no! Hand in there, [your Viking's name], they're coming after the dragon root! You can't let them have it. Fend them off!

18 - Guard the dragon root and defeat the Dragon Tactics battle Level 2: Dragon Root Mania


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Whew. Are you doing okay?

19 - Talk to Ruffnut


File:Ruffnut icon.png

That was a close one... I'm super impressed.


Scale Locations
