The Long Road Home

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File:Ruffnut icon.png

You'd think averting one crisis is good enough for a full day, but what do I know? Astrid thinks that we need to send everyone back to their homes. Luckily, that's Tuffnut's burden. Find him and talk to him, will ya?

1 - Talk to Tuffnut at New Berk


File:Tuffnut icon.png

You did it, [your Viking's name]. You are a graduate of the Tuffnut Gifted School of the Gobbler.
Now go out there and make me proud.

I've seen a steady conga line of Hobgobblers headed here from other islands. Our disciples have done a great job herding them through the cave while you were out there dousing fires! I think Skulder is watching the migration. Will you talk to him?

2 - Talk to the Archaeologist


File:Archaeologist icon.png

It would have gone a lot smoother if Tuffnut had lifted a single finger to help out! I suppose I should have expected it.

Forgive my grumblings. Most of the Hobgobblers have been incredibly sweet and docile as we've herded them through the cave. However, the stragglers are being incredibly stubborn. Perhaps you would have better luck moving them?

3 - Look for the straggler Hobglobbers


File:! icon.png

There's the Hobgobbler who's been following you around! You should take him to the cave. Click on him.

4 - Click on the Hobgobbler and take him to the cave

Note: You can fall down into a cross between the path and a ledge who with careful positioning, it let's you take a shortcut by falling down into the path, very close to the destination, while still holding him.
File:Player carrying smittenhob.png
Player carrying the Smitten Hobgobbler

File:Archaeologist icon.png

You've done it! Now we'll be able to get rid of the last Hobgobblers on the island!

I'll meet you at the Hidden World, my friend. I'll usher the last Hobgobblers as we go through!

5 - Go to the Hidden World

File:Hob overrun hw 1.png
Hobgobblers overrunning the Hidden World

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Well, now they're... here. I hope no one will be offended by the mess.
How about we fly deeper into the Hidden World and see what's going on?

6 - Fly deeper into the Hidden World


File:Archaeologist icon.png

I don't remember seeing this many Hobgobblers in here last time...
File:Hob overrun hw 2.png
Hobgobblers surrounding the Light Fury

Oh no! It looks like Toothless is being overwhelmed by Hobgobblers!
Can you fly over there and help him out?

7 - Fly to Toothless

[Cutscene?: The Light Fury fending off Hobgobblers until Toothless roars at said pack, causing them to fly towards a specific cave entrance]


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Is... is the alpha upset with us for causing all this trouble in his kingdom?
Can you find out?

8 - Talk to Toothless


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Wonderful! I'm so relieved. I'm not sure my heart could take disappointment from the king of all dragons.
Wait. When he was... and when they... hmm...

File:! icon.png

It looks like the Archaeologist will mutter to himself for a bit longer. You should click on the Light Fury; maybe she'll tolerate your presence here this time?

9 - Click on the Light Fury


File:Archaeologist icon.png

Wait a second.
Eureka, I've figured it out! Let me tell you my plan, [your Viking's name]!

10 - Talk to the Archaeologist

File:Skulder n hobs 2.png
Skulder and Muddy with the Hobgobblers

File:Archaeologist icon.png

Did you watch when Toothless commanded the Hobgobblers away from him? They should have scattered. Instead, they all flew towards the same place. That must be where the Hobgobbler nest must be! We can make things right again.