Multi-head Bonanza

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File:Tuffnut icon.png

It's an emergency! Those Dragon Hunters are hunting in the surrounding islands around us. More importantly, they've landed on Zippleback Island. That's where Barf n Belch's favorite friend lives.

This cannot stand! Bring your pitchforks and torches to Zippleback Island. It's time to start a mob against those crazy Dragon Hunters!

1- Go to Zippleback Island


File:Tuffnut icon.png

These Dragon Hunters set a bunch of traps on the island so they can catch the Hideous Zipplebacks that live in this area. I don't know when they set them, but I bet they'll be back to claim the dragons really soon.

Oh no, we found Fart n Sniff! He's in trouble. Quick, come meet us here, but make sure you don't ge caught in any traps!

2- Look for the twins by the Hideous Zippleback


File:Ruffnut icon.png

What sort of monster would trap a beautiful Zippleback like this?

File:Tuffnut icon.png

It'll be okay, sister. We can cut the snare net and free the Zippleback. [Your Viking's name], did you bring your axe? Use it to cut the net trap to shreds!

3- Chop the snare net rope and free the Zippleback


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Be free, Fart n Sniff! Be free!

File:Tuffnut icon.png

This cannot stand. This CANNOT stand! The Dragon Hunters left traps all around the island to catch unsuspecting, innocent Zipplebacks. We can't leave them here!

Can you go around the island and shoot the traps?

4- Find a trap and shoot it to disable it (3)


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Bravo, [your Viking's name]. Bravo!
Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Ah... [your Viking's name], mate, there's a mutant Zippleback here. I don't know what's wrong with him... and I don't want to get any closer. I could use your expertise.

5- Find Harald and talk to him

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

I almost walked right into that thing. What's wrong with it?

File:Fishlegs icon.png

It will be okay, Harald. That's a Snaptrapper, a calm Mystery Class dragon. It likes to set ambushes to eat its small prey and it won't come up here to attack you. In fact, they're pretty peaceful if you don't get in their way.

Isn't it a fascinating dragon, [your Viking's name]? Take a little closer look at the beautiful dragon.

6- Get closer to the Snaptrapper

[animation of the Snaptrapper catching a spider]


File:Fishlegs icon.png

Oh, I see! Snaptrappers and Hideous Zipplebacks eat different types of prey. It looks like this Snaptrapper likes to eat small land animals, where Barf n Belch really prefer to swoop down and snatch fish from the ocean.

The two Mystery Class dragons must have shared a common ancestor a long, long time ago... and their physiology adapted and changed to match the type of food they prefer to eat.

The Hideous Zippleback has two heads because it helps it catch fish, whereas the Snaptrapper has four heads because it can spread out and cover more ground while it lies in ambush.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Wait, be quiet. I'm having a thought... and I'm not used to the experience.

So... if the Snaptrapper can hide, and wait for its prey to come for it, can we do the same to Dragon Hunters? What if we created a giant hole and covered it with branches, leaves, and other bits of camouflage so you can't see it? Then we'll slow down anyone who's trying to attack the base.

Hiccup will know if this is a good idea or not. Can you ask him what he thinks of a pitfall trap at Dragon's Edge?

7- Return to Dragon's Edge and speak to Hiccup


File:Hiccup icon.png

Wow, that's actually a very good idea from the twins! Animals have developed defenses through generations of adaptation. The dragons are still alive because their defense mechanisms work. We can use dragon defenses as inspiration to defend our own base.

I'm very excited to see what you can do with it!


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Did you get permission from Lord Hiccup? Yes? Good, because we already dug the hole. Ruffnut and I are pretty good at making holes from burying each other alive all the time. You can't stop that kind of expertise!

Come down here and see our handiwork.

8- Find the twins at Dragon's Edge


File:Snotlout icon.png

Hey guys, what are you looking at?

[animation of Snotlout falling inside the pitfall]


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Loki'd! The pitfall trap is a success! The camouflage on the hole means that our enemies--and Snotlout--won't know it's there. What a well-executed plan, brother.

You want to talk to Snotlout and make sure he's okay? Or gloat. I would totally gloat.

9- Talk to Snotlout


File:Snotlout icon.png

Really, guys? Honestly, who puts a hole in the middle of perfectly good pathways?

I mean, I knew it was there... I just had to make sure that it was deep enough to trap people who fall inside. So, good job. You'll help me up, right?

Right? Ruffnut? Tuffnut? [Your Viking's name]?
