Home Sweet Dragon's Edge

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File:Hiccup icon.png

It's nice to meet you, Harald. I'm Hiccup.

You're welcome to stay here until the danger with the Dragon Hunters blows over. And like I always say, anyone who can appreciate dragons is a friend of mine.

1- Talk to Harald

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

You're alright, Hiccup. You won't regret talking me in... I promise. I'm a right resourceful kind of guy. You'll reap all sorts of benefits with me around.

Your dragon training abilities are impressive. I barely managed to get this tiny Terrible Terror to listen to me, while you have giant dragons under your command! This is my pet Leopold. He won't bite, unless I tell him to.


File:Hiccup icon.png

Ah... well, dragons are actually very intelligent, Harald. We like to think of them as friends and not pets.

You should pet Leopold, [your Viking's name]. He seems like a friendly little fella!

2- Pet Leopold the Terrible Terror

Harald Forkbeard

File:Harald Forkbeard icon.png

Looks like I've got a lot to learn about dragons, Hiccup. I look forward to stealing all your knowledge, ha ha!

File:Astrid icon.png

It's... nice, to meet you Harald.

The Dragon Hunters left our base in quite a nasty shape when they came through. We need to fix it as soon as we can, then make sure we set up defenses so we won't be caught unawares again.

I brought some buildings supplies from Berk when I last visited, and I'd like some help in getting it up to Dragon's Edge. [Your Viking's name], please meet me down here at the bay.

3- Talk to Astrid by the bay


File:Astrid icon.png

Let's take this slow and steady, [your Viking's name]. Don't mount your dragon! Click on me and follow me to Hiccup's house.

4- Follow Astrid up to Dragon's Edge [the following dialogue will appear as you walk behind Astrid]


File:Astrid icon.png

So... this "Harald" guy.

What do you think about him?

He seems like a swell guy, but...

...something is off about him.

Hiccup tends to see the best in people...

To be honest, I like that about him...

But that's not who I am!

If Harald tries anything...

Stormfly will spine him to the wall!

Whew. This is a long way.

Thanks for helping out, and for listening.

I really needed to vent!


File:Astrid icon.png

I don't mind lugging all that weight my myself, but it's always better to do things together with a friend. Maybe I'm just being paranoid since we just had so much trouble with the Dragon Hunters, but I don't trust Harald!

I think I'll keep an eye on him. Let me know if you spot anything suspicious.


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Hey! While Astrid is busy fiddling about with boring repair stuff, my brother and I got started on repairing Dragon's Edge's defenses. Come to me and I'll tell you all about it!

5- Talk to Ruffnut about the catapult


File:Ruffnut icon.png

We set up Gobber's catapult at the base! It's a gorgeous siege weapon designed to fling things. At its core, the catapult is a lever. Well, this is a more elaborate form of the simple machine, with a pulley to help.

It'll sink a Dragon Hunter ship, no problem, if they try to attack us.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

Are you ready to cause some mayhem? Check out the catapult below Astrid's house. Click on it and launch that rock sky high, my friend.

6- Click on the catapult


File:Tuffnut icon.png

What a work of beauty... I think I have tears in my eyes. You see, the arm of the catapult is the lever. The lever is balanced on a pivot, and moves the load when you pull back on the lever and let go.

The strenght, or force, of the pull determines how far the object flies in the air. Cool, isn't it?

Wait! Heather's always telling us to test things in a scientific manner. For once, I think I'm going to listen to her! (I'm all for it if it means I can shoot the catapult more.)

Can you find 3 boulders of different sizes on Outpost Island so that we can hurl them at the water?

7- Find a small boulder 8- Find boulders for catapult ammo (2)


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Come on, come on! Bring the precious ammo over to the catapult so we can get started.

9- Go to the catapult


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Tuffnut and I set up some markers in the bay so we can tell exactly where the shots are landing. When you're ready, click on the rocks to send them hurtling toward the ocean.

I can't wait!

10- Click on the ammo next to the catapult (3)

[First: small]


File:Ruffnut icon.png

What a beautiful trajectory! (That's the path an object takes in air. Tuffnut and I have a lot of experience with throwing things.)

That went much farther than I expected!

[Second: medium]


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Hmm. We didn't get very far with this rock, did we?

[Third: large]


File:Ruffnut icon.png

Whoa! This rock flew the shortest distance... It also shot a little away from the target. That must be because of air resistance. The bigger and heavier object has more mass to push through the air to the target.

This means that when we shot three objects with the catapult, bigger objects consistently traveled shorter distances when we apply the same amount of force. If we want this heavy rock to fly the farthest, we need to apply more force.


File:Tuffnut icon.png

As I always say to my sister, why just learn something when you can learn something while someone shoots stuff at you? COme on. it'll be fun!

You saw where the rocks were landing, right? Fly out there and get ready to dodge and shoot with your dragon. Trust me, you'll be happy you had this practice when the Dragon Hunters swing by again!

11- Fly above the bay


File:Tuffnut icon.png

That's perfect. I've got a perfect bead on you from here.

Here we go. make sure to dodge the rocks and blast it in midair! This will be so cool.

12- Shoot the catapult rock as it hurdles towards you


File:Tuffnut icon.png

That. Was. Amazing!

Operation Launch Catapults At Your Face is a success. Great work all around!

When's my turn?

Oh no! My sister has terrible news! Come talk to me. I need your help right now, or all of Dragon's edge is DOOMED!


Problem: After the v3.0.0 - The Hidden World update Astrid now runs too fast for the player to catch up, making the quest impossible to be completed.

Solution: Swimming resets the player's speed, meaning that players can start the quest while swimming then come out of the water when Astrid starts walking, this allows the player to catch up with her without any problem.
